CBD for Headaches

The healing effect of CBD could be proven in numerous studies, so that the cannabinoid is now used for the treatment of a variety of symptoms. In the context of pain therapy, cannabidiol is given a particularly significant role, as the substance has been shown to inhibit the transmission of stimuli. In view of the prevailing heating season, many people are particularly susceptible to migraine attacks and take appropriate preventive measures. In today’s article, we reveal how cannabidiol can be used for headache relief and why the remedy provides effective protection against unpleasant migraine attacks.

CBD has a balancing effect and strengthens the immune system

Cannabis has been valued as a valuable useful plant for many centuries and has always served as an important raw material for the production of ropes, paper as well as clothing. CBD joins the group of more than a hundred cannabinoids found as natural transformants in the hemp plant. In recent years, the cannabis plant has increasingly moved into the focus of science, as CBD became more and more present as a natural remedy. Since CBD is similar to the body’s natural messenger substances, the cannabinoid benefits the organism in many ways. Thus, cannabidiol can stimulate the endocannabinoid system and thus have a balancing effect on the human body. Since the CB1 and CB2 receptors are primarily located in the brain and in the immune system, CBD ingestion sometimes affects pain transmission, appetite and sleep. The following modes of action can be attributed to the cannabinoid:

  • Relief of pain
  • Improvement of sleep
  • Promote relaxation
  • Relaxation of blood vessels
  • Regulation of serotonin levels
  • Promotion of appetite

Cannabidiol does not act psychotropic and therefore does not exhibit mind-altering effects. A state of intoxication therefore does not occur even with long-term CBD ingestion. Rather, CBD acts as an important THC antagonist and is therefore able to alleviate a state of intoxication caused by THC. However, users should be careful to use only CBD preparations with a maximum THC concentration of 0.2 percent.

The causes of persistent headaches are many

Headaches can have a variety of causes. Statistically, the most common causes of headaches are tension headaches or migraines. Today’s pressure to perform goes hand in hand with enormous physical as well as mental stress for many people, which can be reflected in various symptoms. It is therefore not uncommon for headaches to occur particularly frequently during stressful phases. Around ten percent of Germans suffer from regular migraine attacks, which have an enormous impact on their quality of life. Migraine attacks can last up to seventy hours, making it almost impossible to cope with everyday life. Common migraine symptoms include pulsating headaches, visual disturbances, nausea, and increased sensitivity to sound. In order to treat these unpleasant symptoms, many sufferers usually turn to painkillers and emergency medication. However, taking these so-called triptans also puts a strain on the body and can also be accompanied by not inconsiderable side effects. Migraine patients are therefore well advised to work on the causes of recurring headaches in the long term. For example, headaches and migraines are mainly caused by constant stress, an unbalanced fluid intake, alcohol consumption and lack of sleep. However, an unbalanced diet as well as changes in hormone balance are also among the most important factors in the development of headaches. During the winter months, the living rooms should also be ventilated regularly, so that dry heating air can escape completely.

Our tip: If you want to improve the air quality in your own four walls in the long term, you should think about buying houseplants.

CBD has been shown to relieve pain and prevent headaches

Infographic on the causes and symptoms of migraines and headaches. Click image to enlarge.Numerous studies have shown that people who frequently suffer from headaches often have a disturbed serotonin balance. As a result, the blood vessels contract frequently and thus unpleasant headaches are triggered. By taking CBD, pain can be specifically dampened as well as migraine attacks significantly weakened. In addition, cannabidiol promotes the relaxation of blood vessels and prevents painful contractions. Since CBD naturally balances serotonin levels, it primarily addresses the causes of a migraine. Those who are under constant stress have been shown to be able to relax and find sleep faster in the evening by taking CBD. This improved sleep quality not only strengthens the organism, but also provides important protection against migraines.

Good to know: Cannabidiol regulates the appetite in a gentle way, so that the body is supplied with the necessary energy even during prolonged migraine attacks.

The correct CBD oil application

CBD is enjoying increasing popularity, so that there is now an entire market for this area. CBD oil has proven to be very user-friendly, as it is particularly flexible to dose. A product with a high content of additional cannabinoids can usually be considered the best CBD oil. The best bioavailability can be ensured especially when the hemp oil is drizzled directly under the tongue. In this case, the active ingredients are absorbed directly through the oral mucosa, so that headaches subside very quickly. At the beginning, four to eight drops should be taken in each case, both in the morning and in the evening hours. If only mild headaches are to be treated, hemp oil with a CBD content of two to five percent is sufficient. For particularly pronounced migraine pain, a 15% CBD oil is again recommended. Since the effect, depending on the user and the preparation, can differ, it should be started with a low dosage. The daily intake amount can eventually be increased until the desired effect is seen.

Our tip: If you can not get along with the taste of CBD oil, you can also stir the drops into a drink or shake.

Side effects are rarely observed

Cannabidiol is generally considered to have very few side effects, so with the right CBD dosage, no significant side effects should occur. However, at the beginning of use, increased drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, and low blood pressure are observed now and then. These symptoms usually disappear as soon as the body gets used to the active ingredient. However, since cannabidiol can interfere with placental function, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. In addition, interactions with certain antibiotics as well as psychotropic drugs can occur, so that here, too, appropriate caution is advised.

Our tip: When taking additional medications, the use of CBD should only take place in consultation with the attending physician.

Conclusion: CBD supports a gentle treatment of unpleasant headaches.

Cannabidiol occupies an important place in the field of natural pain therapy and is therefore increasingly used for headaches. Since the side effects also remain very manageable, it makes sense to use CBD also in the course of migraine prevention. The range of high-quality CBD products is very large, so every user should find the dosage form that suits him.