Chamomilla | Homeopathy for sleep disorders


Nervous insomnia General dosage of Chamomilla: drops or tablets D2, D3, D4 For more information about Chamomilla, please see our Chamomilla

  • Hypersensitivity in mentally unstable women and children
  • Impatience
  • Irritability (irritable weakness)
  • Hypersensitivity to pain
  • Bad mood
  • Children are restless and want to be carried
  • Flatulence colics
  • Aggravation of the complaints in the evening and at night, by heat and by anger
  • Existing flatulence colics are improved by heat

Cocculus (cocculus grains)

Sleep disorders in patients who frequently suffer from dizziness. Especially when lifting the head, also associated with vomiting.

  • Travel sickness when driving a car, ship or train, the most important symptom being dizziness.

    “Falling asleep” of the hands, sometimes the right hand, sometimes the left hand, sensory disturbances.

  • Generally great irritable weakness, states of exhaustion, recurring depressions. Tendency to cramps.
  • Pain and weakness in arms and legs, in the neck, along the spine, trembling limbs.
  • A feeling of emptiness and hollowness in the affected body parts. Frequent change of sides of the complaints.

Hyoscyamus (henbane)

Patients cannot sleep because of an unquenchable, dry irritable cough, especially in the evening, at night and when lying down.

  • Patients are extremely restless, prone to delirium with hallucinations and lewd speech. The restlessness is followed by a phase of anesthesia, but still fast pulse, irregular breathing.
  • Aggravation of cough by drinking, eating and speaking.

Staphisagria (Stephan’s wort)

Sleepless patients with irritable, moody moods.

  • In everyday life they are shy and easily offended. They suffer from memory impairment and pathological sexual ideas.
  • Because of the bad sleep they are miserable and tired in the morning, conspicuously pale face color.
  • In addition, patients often suffer from burning and itching skin diseases.
  • Women are sexually very irritable. Also digestive problems with stomach pressure, vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • All complaints are aggravated by anger, grief and sexual excesses. In the morning immediately after getting up everything gets worse.