Coatings with the expander

Strained muscles

  • Triceps (M. triceps brachii)


The Theraband cover is a stretching in the elbow joint, just like triceps pressing. However, in this case the stretching takes place above the head. This method is particularly suitable for targeted muscle build-up, since the stretched, head-down arms have higher muscle tension.

This exercise of the covers is similar to the covers on the cable pull or the “nosebreaker” in bodybuilding. When training the upper arm muscles, you should always make sure that triceps and biceps are trained in harmonious alternation. to the overview of muscles

  • M.


  • M. biceps brachii
  • M. triceps brachii
  • M.

    pectoralis mayor

  • M. rectus abdominus

The athlete stands in lunge with a strong upper body extension, the head is in extension of the spine with a view towards the ground. This exercise is not recommended for complaints and tensions in the cervical spine area.

The expander is attached behind the body. The body weight is supported on the front foot. In the starting position, the hands are behind the head.

The expander already has a pre-stretch. In the contraction phase, the hands are pulled forward over the head with as little movement of the elbows as possible. This exercise requires a certain degree of coordination and beginners should therefore work with less resistance.

Fields of application

The coatings with the expander are not used in the health sector. The resistance should be selected for a fitness training so that between 12 and a maximum of 15 repetitions can be completed. After the last repetition, no further repetitions should be possible.

Between 2 and 4 sets/series should be completed per station In order to be able to set a targeted muscle building stimulus, the load must be selected high. In this exercise, between five and eight repetitions are completed, with an intensity that makes no further repetition possible. For detailed information on the topic of muscle building, please visit our Bodybuilding section, where all modern bodybuilding exercises are explained and commented.