Tooth extraction – What you need to know

Synonyms in a broader sense

tooth extraction


The extraction of a tooth, the so-called tooth extraction, is a surgical dental service that is fully paid by health insurance companies. The extraction of a tooth is usually performed under local or block anaesthesia, so that the patient does not suffer any pain.

Reasons – An overview

Having to pull a tooth can have many different reasons:

  • Extensive destruction of the tooth by caries
  • Severe destruction of the tooth through trauma (e.g. fall)
  • Chronic inflammation of the periodontium that cannot be repaired
  • Strong degree of loosening
  • Pine stand
  • Wisdom teeth, which do not find a place in the jaw or are wrongly placed.

Reasons in detail

The main reason for the extraction of a tooth is the complete destruction of a tooth, where a restoration through conservative or prosthetic measures is no longer possible, for example when a large part of the tooth is broken off, see canine broken off. Even teeth whose periodontal apparatus is chronically inflamed or destroyed cannot be saved. But even completely healthy teeth must occasionally be extracted in adolescents if space has to be made available for orthodontic measures in the event of a crowding.

This applies especially to the first small molar, since statistically speaking it is highly susceptible to caries. Another reason is wisdom teeth, which have to be removed in most cases. If there is an inflammation in the root area of one or more teeth, tooth extraction is only the very last option.

Before doing so, one should get extensive advice about other treatment attempts. Periodontitis, i.e. an inflammation of the periodontium, is very common. If an inflammation continues to penetrate into the pulp in the nerve sales, it can lead to very severe pain.

The root canals of this tooth must be treated in this case. If the inflammation is deep in the root area, it is possible to remove the inflamed tissue by means of a root syringe resection, i.e. removal of the root tips. The remains of the roots including their root canals are then sealed against bacteria from the oral cavity.

Even though inflammations in the area of the teeth can cause great pain, one should always try to preserve one’s own tooth before deciding on an extraction. As soon as a tooth is extracted, a prosthetic restoration, i.e. a bridge or an implant, must be considered. And this can also lead to further inflammation.

Before doing so, one should get extensive advice about other treatment attempts. Periodontitis, i.e. an inflammation of the periodontium, is very common. If an inflammation continues to penetrate into the pulp in the nerve sales, it can lead to very severe pain.

The root canals of this tooth must be treated in this case. If the inflammation is deep in the root area, it is possible to remove the inflamed tissue by means of a root syringe resection, i.e. removal of the root tips. The remains of the roots including their root canals are then sealed against bacteria from the oral cavity.

Even though inflammations in the area of the teeth can cause great pain, one should always try to preserve one’s own tooth before deciding on an extraction. As soon as a tooth is extracted, a prosthetic restoration, i.e. a bridge or an implant, must be considered. And this can also lead to further inflammation.