Constant Fatigue: Causes, Treatment & Help

The feeling of constant fatigue is an everyday burden for many people. In many cases, however, no exact cause can be found despite extensive diagnostic work. Daytime fatigue often tends to become chronic and can negatively affect life in all areas.

What is constant fatigue?

Sporadic fatigue in itself, therefore, does not yet have disease value, but constant fatigue does, and must be considered a medical alarm signal. Fatigue that occurs intermittently during the day is still normal in adults and does not necessarily have to be pathological. Only after a certain degree of severity and if physical or mental processes are affected by the fatigue, diagnostic and therapeutic action is necessary. Sporadic fatigue in itself is not yet a disease, but constant fatigue is, and must be considered a medical alarm signal. Constant fatigue is usually accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms such as listlessness, exhaustion, lack of sleep or exhaustion. The more pronounced the sequence of these symptoms, the more dramatic and restrictive the resulting reduction in quality of life is perceived by the affected person. Constant tiredness occurs in all social classes, women are affected according to unanimous opinion of sleep physicians more strongly, which among other things with the special female hormone system to connect might. After all, more than 30 percent of all adults over the age of 16 report suffering from constant fatigue at times or frequently. Interestingly, however, the studies and surveys also showed that people from higher social classes and those who live in a partnership are less likely to be affected by constant fatigue.


Research into the causes is particularly important in the case of constant fatigue, as serious, life-threatening clinical pictures can also be hidden behind this symptom. However, in the vast majority of patients, no exact cause can be found despite thorough diagnostics and often high levels of distress. Often, these patients present to many doctors and therapists in the hope of finding an explanation for their persistent complaints. The most common cause of constant fatigue is lack of sleep, caused by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Behind the lack of sleep can in turn be an unfavorable lifestyle that goes against the natural sleep-wake rhythm, for example through shift work. Likewise, lack of exercise, obesity, dieting, stress and dry, polluted air can lead to constant fatigue. More serious causes of constant fatigue include hypothyroidism, anemia, infectious diseases, low blood pressure or tumor diseases. These can lead to the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome due to anemia, which is also accompanied by leaden fatigue. Certain allergies or side effects of certain medications can also cause people to feel constantly listless and tired. It is known from psychiatry that neuroses, depressions and psychoses can also be accompanied temporarily or permanently by severe feelings of fatigue.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hypotension
  • Neurosis
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Tumor
  • Psychosis
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Infectious diseases
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Burnout syndrome

Diagnosis and course

The course of the disease is often chronic, then the symptom of constant fatigue can significantly reduce the overall quality of life. Often, the doctor can already narrow down the eligible causes of constant fatigue more precisely based on the medical history. For example, the doctor will want to know what the fatigue pattern is like during the day, how long the fatigue lasts, or what other complaints are associated with it. It is also important to know how a patient sleeps or whether he snores. In this case, extended diagnostics in a sleep laboratory may follow to diagnose or rule out the presence of sleep apnea syndrome. The extended diagnostics include an extensive blood test with which it is possible, for example, to exclude an iron deficiency as a cause.To rule out possible organic causes, an ECG, EEG, or long-term blood pressure measurement may also be performed, among other tests.


Chronic fatigue, if untreated, can worsen to complete bedriddenness. This massively impairs the quality of life of those affected. Consequential diseases due to lack of exercise or an unbalanced diet are favored. Relatives and friends often react with incomprehension. In addition, many patients experience their own feelings of being overwhelmed and inadequate. This psychological stress can promote depression. Death is sometimes an indirect consequence of agonizing exhaustion. A small percentage of suicidal patients actually take their own lives. Even with treatment, many of those affected have great difficulty coping with everyday life. The social environment, primarily the family, suffers as a result. Work is limited to the bare minimum, and there is no energy left for activities with children or partners. As some patients report, the energy available to them is barely enough for housework. In addition, the often expensive medications and nutritional supplements as well as the frequent visits to the doctor put a strain on the household budget. Many people who are permanently tired lack the energy to work. Others are forced to work part-time. In either case, the quality of work suffers and the potential for accidents increases.

When should you go to the doctor?

Constant fatigue can have various causes and does not require treatment by a doctor in every case. In most cases, it occurs due to stress or sleep disorders and can usually be treated relatively well by means of self-help. However, if there is a sudden onset of constant fatigue and it severely restricts the patient in everyday life, a doctor may be consulted. In the worst case, the patient suffers from a cancer that leads to fatigue. It is also advisable to consult a doctor in case of stress-related fatigue. It is also possible to visit a psychologist directly, since the stress and fatigue usually have psychological causes. If the patient does not yet know the cause of the fatigue, a general practitioner can usually also be asked for advice. A visit is also recommended if the fatigue occurs for no particular reason or without severe physical stress. This may also be a serious underlying condition.

Treatment and therapy

The therapy of constant fatigue should be based on the underlying cause. This is especially true when serious illness or health disorders are the cause. Sleep apnea is now readily treatable with medical devices such as breathing masks. When a patient then stops snoring, the constant daytime sleepiness often disappears spontaneously. The heart and circulation are also significantly relieved. Since many patients with sleep apnea are significantly overweight, every kilo less is also a way to less daytime sleepiness. Hypothyroidism, iron deficiency or infections as the cause of chronic fatigue are also often surprisingly treatable after diagnosis. If mental illness is the cause, then behavioral or exercise therapies can provide relief. If a medication side effect is responsible for the symptom of constant fatigue, then in most cases alternative preparations with other active ingredients can often ensure that the fatigue disappears. Medications for high blood pressure, antihypertensives, often cause fatigue as a side effect. If the symptom is too severe, then the dose can also be reduced if the main effect of lowering blood pressure is still maintained. The so-called power napping, i.e. the small, controlled nap in between, can also be very helpful in overcoming a constant feeling of tiredness.

Outlook and prognosis

Constant fatigue can be caused by many different diseases. In most cases, constant fatigue mainly leads to stress and an aggressive attitude due to the lack of sleep. This often leads to social problems. Without treatment, constant fatigue will not improve if its cause is not discovered and treated. Treatment can take place either through a psychologist or with the help of medication. Often behind the constant fatigue hides another symptom that is causative for it.If this symptom is successfully treated, the constant fatigue also disappears and does not lead to further difficulties. In addition to the fatigue itself, those affected not infrequently suffer from headaches, back pain and a general feeling of malaise. Thus, fatigue also affects the daily work routine and can negatively influence it without treatment. Often, a change in diet or exercise is enough to counteract and curb the constant fatigue. Treatment usually leads to a positive course of the disease.


Patients can do quite a bit, even with constant fatigue of unknown cause, to feel more vitality and vigor again through sustained and truly consistent lifestyle changes. It is important to establish an individual balance between relaxation and performance so that the vicious circle of overwork and lack of sleep can be broken. Always ensure a balanced diet rich in vitamins and low in fat, as well as sufficient fluid intake during the day. Regular exercise, alternating showers and stress reduction also get the circulation going again.

What you can do yourself

Since constant fatigue can significantly reduce concentration, special care should be taken during certain activities. This includes, for example, driving a car, operating machinery or working on scaffolding or ladders. If fatigue is severe or accompanied by other complications, affected individuals may need to avoid such activities. Otherwise, at the very least, very careful consideration is required on a case-by-case basis to avoid drastically increasing the risk of accidents to oneself and others. If the constant fatigue is due to lack of sleep (for example, in the case of sleep disorders), good sleep hygiene can support the treatment. The bed is used only for sleeping and not for sitting or lying down during the day. Quiet evening rituals and relaxation exercises also bring improvements in some cases. Fixed bedtimes are also an important part of good sleep hygiene. In addition, a healthy diet and balanced fluid intake can help combat constant fatigue – especially fatigue caused by malnutrition. However, a nutrient-rich diet can also have positive effects and be supportive in the case of fatigue caused by psychological factors (e.g. in the context of depression), but without replacing targeted treatment. In order to cope with everyday life with constant fatigue, some sufferers need help from other people. Therefore, it is often useful to address the problem openly within the family and, if necessary, ask for temporary support.