Corn Poppy: Applications and Uses

Corn poppy flowers are used exclusively in folk medicine and as a beautifying drug in tea blends. Since the effectiveness of the flowers has not yet been scientifically proven, therapeutic use is not advocated.

Currently, there is no approved finished drug with a defined indication. Corn poppy flowers have also been negatively evaluated by Commission E.

Corn poppy for beauty

However, there is no objection to the use of the flowers as a beautifying drug, that is, to give the tea a more beautiful appearance.

Folk medicinal use of corn poppy

Folk medicine uses corn poppy flowers for diseases and ailments related to the respiratory tract, such as cough and hoarseness. In the case of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract or bronchi, the drug can help to loosen mucus and thus improve expectoration.

In addition, tea preparations made from poppy blossoms can be used for pain and insomnia, as well as a sedative. However, poppy blossoms are mainly used as a beautifying agent in various tea blends.

In the literature there are no references to the homeopathic use of the flowers.

Ingredients of corn poppy flowers

Corn poppy flowers contain anthocyanins such as cyanidin and flavonoid glycosides such as hyperoside, rutin and astragalin. Furthermore, fighter oil, luteolin, quercetin and other phenolic compounds occur. Mucilages are also present in the drug.

Corn poppy flowers: indication.

Folk medicine only, corn poppy flowers are used for:

  • Cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Respiratory problems
  • Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness