Course of disease with circulatory disorder of the toes | Circulatory disorders of the toes

Course of disease with circulatory disorder of the toes

If it is noticeable that the blood circulation of the toes is disturbed, other vessels are usually already affected by the disease. Therefore, similar symptoms appear on other parts of the body a short time later. First probably on the lower leg, later on the whole leg or even on the arms.

In addition, the heart vessels and those of other organs are also affected by the disease, so that disturbances and malfunctions usually occur there as well. Would it be possible that you also have a circulatory disorder in other parts of your body? Find out with the help of the following articles:

  • Circulatory problems in the legs
  • Circulatory problems in the feet
  • Circulatory problem in the arm

Causes of circulatory problems in the toes

The most common cause of a circulatory disorder of the toes is calcification of the supplying vessels, i.e. the arteries. As a result, the vessels become narrowed and not enough blood can be pumped into the toes. However, the arteries can also be attacked by diseases such as diabetes, which also causes circulatory disorders.

A venous circulatory disorder is due to the draining vessels. Often the venous valves are broken, so that the blood accumulates in the toes. How can you prevent the calcification of vessels?

Diabetes mellitus (blood sugar disease) is a metabolic disease. The body cannot process the sugar that is absorbed into the blood from food. Instead, it accumulates in the blood vessels and destroys the vessel walls.

Often the smallest vessels are affected first.This is called microangiopathy. By destroying the small vessels, the toes can no longer be supplied with sufficient blood. What are the further consequences of diabetes?

If you have diabetes, make sure that you do not suffer from the serious consequences. These consequences can be seen in the following articles:

  • Consequences of diabetes
  • Consequential diseases of diabetes mellitus

PAD (peripheral arterial occlusive disease) is a vascular disease in which the leg arteries in particular become blocked. Often arteriosclerosis is the cause; calcium deposits occur which initially constrict the vessels and later completely block them.

Risk factors for this are an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol, smoking, high blood pressure, poor blood lipid values, etc. However, pAVK can also be triggered by small blood clots that block the vessels.

  • What is arteriosclerosis?
  • What are the causes of peripheral arterial occlusive disease?

Smoking is a risk factor for many diseases, especially those of the lungs and the cardiovascular system.

Smoking damages the blood vessels in different ways: the consumption of nicotine releases stress hormones, which increases blood pressure. The blood becomes thicker as the body produces more blood cells in response to the lack of oxygen. In addition, substances that directly attack the vessel walls enter the bloodstream. The damage to the vessels leads to circulatory problems in the toes, among others.