Diagnosis | Numbness in the foot


In case of numbness in the foot, the family doctor first examines the most common causes.During a physical examination, the doctor looks for other symptoms, such as tense muscles or other neurological abnormalities. If a stroke or multiple sclerosis is suspected, the person concerned is immediately sent to a hospital. In case of a slipped disc, imaging, i.e. a CT or X-ray, can be arranged. Multiple sclerosis is also diagnosed by imaging and laboratory tests. In the case of a stroke, a CT is taken and therapy is started immediately.

Other accompanying symptoms

In the case of a slipped disc, the affected person often suffers not only from feelings of numbness, but also from back pain. Tense muscles are also possible. In case of paralysis symptoms, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

In the case of a stroke, the arm on the same side is often also affected and paralysis can also occur on one side of the face. Typical here are hanging corners of the mouth and a hanging eyelid. Speech and vision may also be altered.

This is an absolute emergency and should lead to an emergency call. In the case of multiple sclerosis, one of the first symptoms is often a deterioration in vision. The combination of back pain and numbness in the foot is almost proof of an irritated nerve caused by a disc or a tense muscle.

The back pain is often intensified when bending forward. A hot-water bottle often helps with tension, while intervertebral disc patients often do not get relief from heat. For many of those affected, even taking over-the-counter painkillers does not help or only for a very short time.


In the case of tension, the heat supply from a hot water bottle is often sufficient. In the case of prolonged discomfort, a pain injection or a massage can be prescribed and thus help the person affected. A herniated disc is usually not so easily regressed, since it is a wear and tear of the disc.

An improvement of the symptoms can be achieved with painkillers and physiotherapy. For some people, however, surgery on the disc is the only way to help the affected person. Also the operation is not a solution, which has the desired success for all affected persons.

In the case of a stroke, the therapy is all about time. The earlier the treatment begins, the greater the likelihood that the numbness and all other symptoms will disappear. The blocked blood vessel can be opened with medication or the blockage can be removed with a catheter via the groin.

In the case of a bloody stroke, an operation is necessary. In case of neuroborelliosis, antibiotic therapy is necessary. Multiple sclerosis is treated with drugs such as cortisol and beta-interferon, but is not curable. The therapy is divided into a basic therapy and a relapse therapy.