Foot: Structure and diseases

What is the foot? The foot (Latin: pes) is a complex structure consisting of numerous bones, muscles and ligaments, which has become an important supporting organ with the development of upright gait. Anatomically, it is divided into three parts: the tarsus, the metatarsus and the digiti. Tarsus The two largest tarsal bones are the talus … Foot: Structure and diseases

Metabolic diseases as a cause of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Metabolic diseases as a cause of polyneuropathy As a result of metabolic diseases, peripheral nerves can also be damaged. These include functional disorders of the liver (e.g. in liver cirrhosis, hepatitis B, C, etc. ), kidney diseases (uremic polyneuropathy due to waste products produced in the body when kidney function is insufficient) or thyroid diseases. … Metabolic diseases as a cause of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Stress as a cause of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Stress as a cause of polyneuropathy Polyneuropathy cannot be caused by stress alone, but nerve pain can still occur due to prolonged stress. These neuralgias are treated by relaxing procedures such as acupuncture, osteopathy but also by medication. Stress is an important and burdening factor for our immune system. In the case of autoimmune diseases … Stress as a cause of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Other causes of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Other causes of polyneuropathy Further causes of polyneuropathy can be metabolic diseases, heriditary noxic-toxic effects or borreliosis pathogens, as well as other infectious diseases. In developing countries, leprosy is a common cause of polyneuropathy in addition to the above-mentioned malnutrition. In our latitudes, if the cause of PNP is not known, HIV infection or a … Other causes of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Causes of polyneuropathy

The causes of polyneuropathy can be manifold. Ultimately, damage to the peripheral nerves results in loss of sensation, tingling paresthesia or even paralysis. In Germany and other western countries, polyneuropathy (PNP) is most frequently triggered by diabetes mellitus and excessive alcohol consumption. Other causes can be poisoning with heavy metals, solvents or medication. Inflammatory diseases … Causes of polyneuropathy

Infectious diseases as a cause of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Infectious diseases as a cause of polyneuropathy In infectious diseases, a distinction is made between bacterial and viral infections. Borreliosis is one of the bacterial infectious diseases most frequently mentioned in relation to PNP. Borrelia are transmitted by ticks, for example, and can lead to polyneuropathy, which is why tick bites should be well observed … Infectious diseases as a cause of polyneuropathy | Causes of polyneuropathy

Exercises for tendinitis

Common manifestations are joints like the wrist, shoulder, elbow, knee or ankle. Inflammatory processes cause pain, which can lead to relieving posture, reduced movement and strength. This should be counteracted by exercises. Depending on the degree of inflammation, the exercises vary. The following exercises are suitable for people who are no longer in the acute … Exercises for tendinitis

Osteopathy | Exercises for tendinitis

Osteopathy Osteopathy consists of purely manual techniques that can be used for diagnosis and therapy. Osteopathic measures may only be applied independently by physicians, alternative practitioners or physiotherapists (with the additional training of the alternative practitioner). Osteopathic techniques are intended to identify and positively influence tissue disorders. Restrictions in movement can be reduced, blood circulation … Osteopathy | Exercises for tendinitis

Physiotherapy | Morbus Ledderhose – exercises

Physiotherapy Ledderhose disease is a chronic disease that cannot be cured by physiotherapy. However, various measures can be taken to influence the symptoms caused by the contracture, as well as the course and subsequent symptoms. The formation of nodules in the tissue of the plantar fascia causes various symptoms. The tendon becomes more inelastic, which … Physiotherapy | Morbus Ledderhose – exercises

Foot malpositions | Morbus Ledderhose – exercises

Foot malpositions As mentioned above, the toes form the mobile, non-fixed attachment of the plantar fascia. Due to the formation of nodules and shortening of the tendon, the toes can now become curved, bending to the chronic pull. This results in a foot malposition. The foot malpositions, which are congenital in most cases, can therefore … Foot malpositions | Morbus Ledderhose – exercises