Diagnosis of a torn muscle fibre in the back | Torn muscle fibre in the back

Diagnosis of a torn muscle fibre in the back

The diagnosis of a torn muscle fiber is relatively simple, since the patient can usually explain the reason and the course of the tear. The physician often diagnoses a torn muscle fiber on the basis of clinical symptoms such as pain, swelling, bruising and slight reduction in contractility of the affected muscles without any further diagnostic assistance. In case of doubt, an ultrasound diagnosis can be made in addition to the detailed anamnesis and physical examination.

Therapy of a torn muscle fibre in the back

In the case of a torn muscle fiber, it is important to stop moving and loading the affected muscles immediately. Afterwards you should cool down as soon as possible. The sooner the cooling is done, the better the chances of healing.

In the case of a torn muscle fiber, the use of the so-called ” PECH therapy” is also recommended. PECH is an abbreviation for 4 measures which have to be taken in case of a torn muscle fibre: P stands for pause, E for ice, C for compression and H for high support. This means that immediately after the rupture of a muscle fibre, the patient should be immobilised immediately – i.e. pausing the activity.

Afterwards, cooling with ice packs or ice spray is important to reduce swelling and inhibit inflammation, followed by application of a compression bandage to prevent further bleeding. Finally, the affected structure should be elevated, ideally above heart level. If there is a rupture of the muscle fibers in the back, the last two measures are rather less effective.

Depending on which part of the fibers of a back muscle is torn, a compression bandage may be applied in some cases. Since the back is not an extremity that can simply be elevated, this point is not necessary in the case of a torn muscle fibre in the back. In addition to the torn muscle fibre, strains, contusions and ligament stretches can also be treated with PECH therapy.

In general, the PECH therapy is regarded as a first measure, which can relieve the symptoms such as pain, inflammation and swelling, but has no direct influence on immediate healing. It merely optimizes the initial conditions. The healing process can take 3 – 12 weeks.

During this time, it is important to take care of the muscle, because in a damaged state it is even more susceptible to a new rupture of the muscle fiber. In principle, conservative therapy is sufficient and it means for those affected to wait patiently and only then to accustom the muscle again by light strain. Kinesiotapes can help to relieve the affected muscle area and strengthen the adjacent muscles.

Therapy of a torn muscle fiber A torn muscle fiber in the back can be taped to support healing. The taping procedure is only to be seen as a support for other treatments (PECH rule). The treatment is not scientifically proven, but shows good results in many patients.

The aim of kinesotaping is to relieve the muscles, in this case the back muscles, and to ease tension. If there are complaints of torn muscle fibers in the upper back, usually three tapes are applied. Two tapes to the left and right of the thoracic spine and the third horizontally at the level of the middle of the first two tapes.

The middle should represent the maximum pain point. For taping, the patient assumes a bent position with a rounded back so that the back muscles are stretched to the maximum. If the lumbar spine is affected by a torn muscle fiber, the tapes are often applied in a star formation (four tapes). In this case, the pain maximum is located in the middle of the star formation.