Diagnosis of adrenal hyperactivity | Adrenal hyperactivity

Diagnosis of adrenal hyperactivity

First of all, a detailed conversation with the doctor and a measurement of various blood values as well as hormone levels should take place. Depending on the results and the suspicion, further examinations may have to follow. If a tumor is suspected, an imaging procedure must be performed to identify the possible tumor as well as its size and location. An MRI would be suitable for this.

I recognize adrenal hyperactivity from these symptoms

A change in the sex hormone balance, i.e. an overproduction of androgens, as is the case with the Andrenogenital Syndrome, causes striking symptoms in women. On the one hand, cycle disorders can occur. Unpleasantly, too many androgens in the body also lead to increased hairiness (hirsutism) and acne.

An increased production of cortisol, which is mainly caused by tumors of the pituitary gland, causes a classic clinical picture, the so-called Cushing’s syndrome. Cushing’s syndrome is characterized by an increase in fat – primarily on the abdomen, a red, round face, stretch marks, skin impurities and a paper-like, thin skin. It also leads to muscle and bone weakness, high blood pressure, increased susceptibility to infections and cycle disorders in women.

Increased production of the mineral corticoids, especially aldosterone, leads to increased blood pressure, which is very difficult to control with medication. In addition, a lowered concentration of potassium can occur. An overproduction of adrenaline and noradrenaline, as occurs in pheochromocytoma, a tumor, leads to very high blood pressure, sweating, headaches and an increased pulse rate.In stress-related adrenal hyperactivity with constant high cortisol levels, the symptoms are usually not as severe as in other causes.

However, the health risks become apparent over time. Health risks include elevated blood sugar levels, sleep disturbances, weight gain (especially an increase in abdominal fat), blood pressure increase and exhaustion.

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