Intimate Area Itching

Itching in the anus or intimate area is often unpleasant for those affected. Many people are reluctant to see a doctor when these areas of the body itch. We present possible causes of itching here. Itching at the anus Itching in the anal area can have various causes – it is especially often caused by … Intimate Area Itching

Homeopathy for a boil

A boil is a locally inflamed skin around a hair follicle. It usually manifests itself as a reddish swelling in the form of a small knot. The skin inflammation is caused by bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus. Furuncles occur mainly on the chest, neck, buttocks and face. The inflammation progresses within a few days until the … Homeopathy for a boil

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for a boil

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients: The Ilon® Ointment classic consists of different active ingredients. These include larch turpentine, purified turpentine oil, and essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus and thyme. Effect: The different active ingredients lead to a cleaning of the furuncle. The pathogens are fought and at the same time the maturation … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for a boil

The duration of a furuncle

Introduction A boil is a deep bacterial inflammation that originates from the hair follicle. This means that a boil can only develop on hairy parts of the body. The duration of the healing process of a boil depends on various factors. Uncomplicated boils are harmless and heal after a few days. However, this requires a … The duration of a furuncle

Skin itches after shaving

Causes of itchy skin after shaving If the skin itches after shaving, in most cases it is caused by a phenomenon known as “razor burn”. Razor burn (pseudofolliculitis barbae) often manifests itself through redness, irritation and itching of the affected skin areas. Most affected persons also report the additional appearance of small reddish shaving spots … Skin itches after shaving

Boils in the genital area

Definition A boil is a form of abscess, i.e. an inflammation of a hair follicle, which is usually caused by bacteria. This purulent inflammation occurs in the hair root area and spreads to the surrounding structures and fatty tissue. The most frequent boils occur in the neck, in the area of the breast, in the … Boils in the genital area

How can you prevent boils in the genital area? | Boils in the genital area

How can you prevent boils in the genital area? To prevent the development and transmission of furuncles, a few things are important. First of all, good personal hygiene is very important to prevent furuncles. Especially when the boils have been opened it is more important than ever to make sure that the wound is kept … How can you prevent boils in the genital area? | Boils in the genital area