Diethyl Ether


Diethyl ether is available from specialty retailers as a pure substance.

Structure and properties

Diethyl ether (C4H10O, Mr = 74.1 g/mol) exists as a clear, colorless, and highly volatile liquid that is soluble in water. A disadvantage of the substance is that it is highly flammable and potentially explosive. The vapors are heavier than air and can travel on the ground to an ignition source. In addition, diethyl ether has an unpleasant odor. Diethyl ether belongs to the symmetrical ether group of substances.


Diethyl ether (ATC N01AA01) has narcotic (anesthetic) and muscle relaxant properties.

Indications for use

  • As an anesthetic (rarely used today).
  • As an organic solvent.
  • Formerly used as an oral analeptic (spiritus aetherus, obsolete).
  • For magistral formulations, such as Arning’s solution (rarely used).
  • Other technical applications.


Diethyl ether can be abused as an inhalable intoxicant. The vapors induce drowsiness, a state of intoxication and drowsiness.

Adverse effects

  • Irritation of the respiratory tract, irritation of mucous membranes.
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Long waking phase
  • Liver and kidney toxicity
  • Circulation and respiration are hardly affected in contrast to other anesthetics