Digestive enzymes pancreas | Body Fluids

Digestive enzymes pancreas

The pancreas not only has the widely known function of producing the hormone insulin, which controls blood sugar levels. Besides insulin, it also produces numerous digestive aids, so-called enzymes, which play a key role in the utilization of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These enzymes are secreted together with the bile into the small intestine and are only activated there. This mechanism protects the pancreas from self-digestion.


Sweat is produced by sweat glands located in the skin and is released to the skin surface through small channels. It is an aqueous secretion that contains electrolytes and fragrances in addition to 99% water. The latter are individual for each person.

The sweat evaporates on the skin, whereby heat is extracted from the environment, which in turn cools the body. One of its main functions is therefore heat regulation. Fresh sweat does not smell. The unpleasant odor is only caused by bacterial decomposition of sweat components by skin bacteria.

Breast Milk

Breast milk is naturally produced in the mammary glands during and after pregnancy. It is used to feed the child. Breast milk has a whitish yellow color and contains proteins, lactose, numerous vitamins, minerals, antibodies and antibodies that protect the child from infections.

The composition changes after birth. The first breast milk that the woman produces is called colostrum and contains mainly the above-mentioned antibodies. They are particularly important in the first days and weeks of the child’s life, as the child’s own antibody production must first be set in motion.

Frequent application of the baby as a result of sucking and the accompanying stimulation of the mammary glands promotes milk production. It is generally known that breastfed children are less likely to develop infections and less chronic illnesses such as allergies and asthma during their lifetime, which is why breast milk is also considered the best food for the child and breastfeeding is recommended.