Dill Has Numerous Healing Abilities

Many myths surround the spice plant dill: for example, a bunch of dill under the pillow should help against nightmares, while attached to the door should keep away evil witches. But first and foremost, dill is used for seasoning food, and here especially for seasoning cucumbers. That is why this spice plant is often called cucumber herb, a name it shares with boretsch. Both the leaves and the fruits of dill can be used as a spice. The leaves can be harvested from June to July, and the fruits from August to September.

Dill contains valuable ingredients

Dill has a slightly sweet taste, with the fresh herb tasting sweeter than the dried fruits. 100 grams of dried dill contain an average of 5.5 grams of water, 4 grams of fat, 20 grams of protein, 57 grams of carbohydrates and 12 grams of crude fiber. In terms of minerals, dill contains mainly calcium, potassium and sodium.

However, the essential oil content is decisive for its use as a spice: in total, 100 grams contain between 0.1 and 0.35 grams of essential oils. In the leaves, their content is between two and four percent, and in the fruits it is even higher at eight percent. In the oil of the fruits, carvone and limonene are the main components, while in the oil of the leaves, phellandrene and other monoterpenes are still found.

Dill with healing properties

Dill is said to have numerous healing effects. For example, it is said that as early as ancient Rome, gladiators rubbed themselves with dill oil to prevent their wounds from becoming infected. Today, dill is used as a remedy for loss of appetite and insomnia, as well as for stomach ailments, flatulence and menstrual cramps. Stomach ailments are best relieved with a dill tea.

The crushed fruits of dill are used for the tea. Five grams are infused with 100 milliliters of hot water and then left to steep for five to ten minutes. Against problems with falling asleep, on the other hand, not tea, but a glass of dill wine should help. To make dill wine, a glass of white wine is heated and then poured over a teaspoon of dill seeds. Let the wine steep for a few minutes and then pour it off. Enjoy the dill wine in small sips.

In addition, seasoning with dill is recommended for mothers who are breastfeeding, as dill has a milk-promoting effect.

Spicy recipes with dill

Dill, along with other herbs such as thyme, basil, rosemary, marjoram and tarragon, is part of the basic equipment of any kitchen. In cooking, it is mainly used as a seasoning for pickled or fresh cucumbers, as well as salads. It is also often used to flavor sauces. Dill sauces are easy to make yourself, for example with this recipe for a delicious honey mustard dill sauce. To make it, mix eight tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and four tablespoons of mustard.

Then stir 100 milliliters of oil into the sauce. Chop the dill and add it to the sauce and then season with salt and pepper. In addition, dill is also used in the preparation of fish and meat. For seasoning, the dill tips are mostly used, but for fish dishes, the leaves are preferred.

Background: cultivation and harvest

Dill is a spice plant and belongs to the umbellifer family. The plant originated in the Near East, but is now grown all over the world. Already in ancient Greece as well as in ancient Rome, the spice plant was used. Dill can be grown both in the wild and in the greenhouse. Perfectly suited for cultivation are warm, moist soils with a high humus content.

However, you don’t necessarily need a garden to grow dill. You can also grow the spice in a pot in the kitchen or on the balcony. If dill is grown in the apartment, the plant should have its location by the window.