Diseases of the middle ear | Diseases of the ear

Diseases of the middle ear

This is an acute inflammation of the middle ear. Children in particular are affected by inflammation of the middle ear. It initially manifests itself with a dull feeling of pressure and tension.Within a few hours, the affected ear suffers from stabbing pain caused by a congestion of secretions and inflammatory reactions in the middle ear.

Treatment of the middle ear inflammation is both symptomatic and causal. Initially, the pain in the ear should be treated with painkillers. In addition, the ENT physician prescribes decongestant nasal drops to facilitate the drainage of the secretion in the ear.

The definitive therapy often requires the use of antibiotics. A tympanic effusion describes an accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity. In children, this is often caused by an enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsils.

In adults, a tympanic effusion can also be caused by a tumor in the nasopharynx. Symptomatically, the effusion manifests itself by a feeling of pressure in the ear and hearing loss. In children it usually helps to remove the enlarged pharyngeal tonsils.

In adults, a precise search for the cause is important in order to rule out a possible malignant genesis. In the case of the cholesteatoma, there was a cell transfer from the outer ear to the middle ear before birth. In the course of life, the cells begin to grow and obstruct the auditory canal.

This can result in pain and hearing disorders. Cholesteatoma can be diagnosed by CT or MRI and treated by surgery. Usually this operation is performed through the patient’s outer ear.

The eardrum is a thin membrane that lies between the outer and middle ear. Reasons for a tear are excessive pressure fluctuations, such as when diving or flying. The symptoms of a ruptured eardrum are a strong, sharp pain with subsequent hearing loss.

Smaller tears heal on their own. For larger defects, the hole can be splinted with a silicone foil. If there is severe pain or an existing inflammation, painkillers or antibiotics are used.