Do these home remedies help with all warts? | Home remedy against warts

Do these home remedies help with all warts?

The above mentioned household remedies work primarily well with the frequently occurring thorn warts.Whether the existing warts are really these can be verified by means of various criteria: Thorn warts typically occur on the foot and can sometimes be very painful. There are, however, also different warts, which should be treated directly by a doctor. These include, for example, the so-called genital warts, which are caused by the same virus and occur mainly on the mucous membranes.

Also age warts and Dell’s warts should be medically treated to prevent possible secondary damage. In principle, warts can appear on any part of the body. They also appear occasionally on the face, for example in the area of the chin, nose or eyelids.

Special attention should be paid to the so-called Dell’s warts: under no circumstances should you try to “express” them, since the viruses they contain are released. These can reach the area of the face through the good blood supply in the direction of the brain. For this reason, a doctor should be consulted if anything is unclear. Also for cosmetic reasons a professional treatment of warts in the face is recommended.

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

The treatment of warts is often a lengthy process. Once the viruses are in the body, they are often difficult to remove. Therefore, the use of household remedies may be necessary for several months. The home remedies should be used consistently and regularly, as the treatment of warts can be very complex. At the same time, it is important to ensure that hygiene measures are followed, otherwise other people in the same household, for example, could be easily infected during the treatment.

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

Whether the treatment of the warts can be carried out only with home remedies depends on various factors. Warts are often very persistent and are difficult to remove. Therefore the success of home remedies also depends on the body’s own immune system, which fights the viruses. In addition to the home remedies, various remedies such as salicylic acid or monochloroacetic acid can be purchased in the pharmacy, to which the home remedies can continue to be used as a support. However, if the treatment is not successful, it is recommended to consult a doctor.