Dosage | Aspirin® Complex


Adults can take up to 2 sachets to dissolve at a time. This single dose can be repeated at intervals of 4 to 8 hours. A maximum of 6 sachets can be taken per day.

For adolescents no recommendation regarding the dose has been made yet. The intake should not last longer than 3 days without consulting the treating physician. If larger quantities of Aspirin® Complex are taken, symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, palpitations (tachycardia), chest pain or even shortness of breath may occur. A doctor should then be consulted immediately.

Side effects

The side effects listed below can be serious and should be taken seriously. If the patient notices any of the symptoms, he or she should consult the doctor or the nearest hospital as soon as possible. – Existing stomach ulcers can cause

This ingredient of the Aspirin® Complex can also cause serious side effects.

These include rapid heartbeat and an increase in blood pressure. Urinary retention, hallucinations and insomnia may also occur. An allergic reaction with itching of the skin and drop in blood pressure is also possible. If the patient notices any of the side effects mentioned here, he should stop taking the granules immediately and consult a doctor.

Aspirin® complex- a doping agent?

The substance pseudoephedrine hydrochloride contained in Aspirin® Complex is considered a doping agent and is therefore prohibited in many competitions. This is due to the fact that pseudoephedrine excessively stimulates the body and can upset it. By activating the sympathetic nervous system, the concentration of norepinephrine increases.

This leads, among other things, to the narrowing of blood vessels and thus to an increase in blood pressure. The heart rate is also accelerated. This increases the blood circulation in the body and consequently the power and reserves available to the body during competition.

The vessels of the airways are also constricted, the mucous membranes swell and breathing becomes easier. Pseudoephedrine also acts on and stimulates central receptors in the brain. Through all these processes the body is thus driven in an unnatural way in its activity and performance.

This is not allowed in competition and can cause severe side effects such as tachycardia, shortness of breath, unconsciousness or cramps, especially when overdosed. Another point that makes Aspirin® Complex dangerous before competitions is the pain-relieving effect of Aspirin®. Pain that occurs during sports is masked and injuries can occur more often due to lack of protection.