Drug Addiction: One in Nine Over 50 is At Risk

If you experience side effects, ask your doctor or pharmacist – awareness of the type of medication being taken has increased in recent years. One undesirable side effect that people are less aware of is drug dependence. That makes current figures all the more alarming: One in nine people over 50 is at risk, according to a study by the Institute for Therapy Research. Painkillers, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, stimulants are on the list of addictive drugs, along with appetite suppressants.

Drug addiction as common as alcohol dependence

About 1.5 million drug addicts are estimated to live in Germany, two-thirds of whom are women. About the same number are alcoholics, according to the German Centre for Addiction Issues (DHS). But while there are numerous self-help groups and good public relations work for alcoholism, drug addicts often lack therapies and guides to support them.

Women are more affected than men

he magazine “Sucht” published the current “Repräsentativerhebung zum Gebrauch und Missbrauch psychoaktiver Substanzen bei Erwachsenen in Deutschland” (Representative survey on the use and abuse of psychoactive substances among adults in Germany) in the spring; the Institute for Therapy Research is responsible. Surveys on the use of medications have been conducted systematically since 1995. In the current study, 8,061 people aged 18-59 were surveyed. The risk of slipping into drug addiction has increased over the past five years. At that time, the rate of problematic drug use among adult Germans was 3.3 percent, but it is now already 4.3 percent. Problem consumers are mainly found among the 50- to 59-year-olds. In this age group, almost one in nine is considered at risk – and women in all age groups are more affected (5.5 percent) than men (3.2 percent). 20.4 percent of the women surveyed had taken at least one drug with “addictive potential,” while the figure for men was 13.3 percent. The experts explain these significant differences by the fact that women take medication much more frequently than men to cope with life.

Which medications are addictive?

The German Centre for Addiction Dangers distinguishes between five addictive groups of medications:

  • Painkillers
  • Cough suppressant
  • Sleeping pills
  • Sedatives
  • Stimulant

In addition, there are the appetite suppressants. About 80 percent of those affected are dependent on the prescription benzodiazepines, which are used to treat such things as anxiety and sleep disorders. These drugs become a risk if they are taken regularly for more than six months. Like alcohol, drugs can lead to dependence and physical and mental disorders. A first step toward dependence on medications is often indicated by an increase in dosage.

Symptoms of a drug addiction

The symptoms of a drug addiction are rather inconspicuous:

  • Loss of appetite,
  • Forgetfulness and
  • Indifference

Are signs that are often not really taken seriously.

Addictive potential of drugs: painkillers

Of the centrally acting strong painkillers called analgesics, the best known are morphines. All such analgesics have a high potential for addiction, which means that dependence can develop after only a short period of use. Weak-acting drugs of this group are mainly sold as mixed preparations. The main ingredients are acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and propyphenazone. They are considered problematic when combined with caffeine, for example. This is because painkillers are not always taken only for pain: combined with caffeine, an invigorating effect occurs in addition to the analgesic effect. However, their stimulating effect increases the risk of getting used to the drug. After caffeine-containing drugs are discontinued, headaches may appear as withdrawal symptoms, but this effect occurs with a time delay. Often, the discomfort is not considered withdrawal symptoms, but is taken as a reason to continue painkiller use at an increased dosage. Combination drugs pose a risk of kidney damage.

Addictive cough medications (antitussives).

These are medications that contain codeine.Codeine is an opioid and is converted into morphine (5 to 20 percent) differently in the individual body. For this reason, codeine is also taken as a heroin substitute. Abuse can lead to opiate dependence. Other side effects, such as confusion, hallucinations, and psychosis, are also described when taking certain drugs in this group.

Sleep – and sedatives (tranquilizers).

“The most effective sleeping pills are available only by prescription. Benzodiazepines, which have a medium-length effect, are suitable. Benzodiazepine-like agents such as zolpidem and zopiclone also promote sleep. Disadvantage: The sleeping pills are addictive.” This is what Stiftung Warentest says in a corresponding test. If one takes these means for a longer time, then one can become dependent already after seven to fourteen days. Sleep without medication is then no longer to think. If the body is accustomed to sleeping pills, the pills must be slowly discontinued.

Stimulants (psychostimulants).

Psychostimulants are drugs that contain amphetamines. They are also called “wake-up amines.” Representatives are, for example, Captagon, Reactivan, Katovit. These drugs are taken to overcome fatigue, primarily for stimulation. Since they also suppress the feeling of hunger, they are additionally used as appetite suppressants (Recatol, Ponderax). They are often popular with professionals who are constantly under pressure to meet deadlines and who want or need to perform at an above-average level on a sustained basis. The drugs contain amphetamines and are therefore particularly risky because the users tend to overestimate themselves. However, when the effect of the drug wears off, a sleep attack can occur quite suddenly. With chronic abuse, the initial euphoria turns into irritability, tension, and moodiness.

Appetite suppressants as addictive drugs

They are based on the same chemical structure and show similar consequences as stimulants. When used continuously, they can cause severe side effects, according to information from the German Society for Nutrition (DGE). These include:

  • Concentration disorders
  • Irritability
  • Weakness in performance
  • Sleep disorders
  • Heart trouble
  • Sweating
  • Circulatory disturbances
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Euphoria

Therapy and self-help needed

Like drug or alcohol addiction, dependence on medication leads to both mental and physical deterioration in the long term. This includes memory impairment and reaction delays as well as liver, stomach and kidney damage and vascular changes. Therapy depends on the type of medication. While headache medications should be discontinued in one fell swoop, tranquilizers often cause severe side effects that can only be mitigated by slowly phasing them out of the body. “In the case of such massive withdrawal, inpatient therapy is recommended,” advises Professor Andreas Heinz, director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Berlin’s Charité hospital. This one- to four-week therapy should be completed in a psychiatric ward, if possible, he says.

Helping people to help themselves

Dr. Schröer, head of the health department at the BKK Bundesverband in Essen, would like to achieve for the company health insurance funds that what is already established practice with alcohol addicts also becomes established with drug addicts: self-help. A first step in this direction is the guide entitled “Don’t swallow everything anymore…! Women. Drugs. Selbsthilfe.” (Women. Drugs. Self-help.) is aimed specifically at women affected by alcoholism. It contains lots of practical tips on setting up and running a self-help group, information on the subject of drug abuse, and numerous references to literature and contact addresses.