Duration of the examination | MRT of the lumbar spine

Duration of the examination

The duration of the examination is approximately 15 – 25 minutes. In addition, there are possible preparations such as undressing the patient, positioning on the examination table and subsequent evaluation of the images taken. Some findings require some time to be evaluated and to ensure a diagnosis. In addition, longer waiting times can occur, since the MRI examination is often used in emergencies.

Is contrast medium necessary?

Contrast media are not used in medicine for therapy, but are used to promote and simplify the recognition of diseases. They are used in imaging procedures, including MRI. While iodine-containing contrast media are used in conventional X-ray diagnostics, a distinction is made between two different substances in MRI of the lumbar spine.

The extracellular contrast agents are gadolinium-containing compounds that are easily excreted via the kidneys. The gadolinium contained causes a faster magnetization of water in its immediate vicinity. For example, vessels can be displayed very brightly.

Intracellular contrast media, on the other hand, accumulate in certain tissues. They are used, for example, for imaging the liver and pancreas. Contrast media are used when they are intended to help visualize soft tissue better.

The images are richer in contrast and any abnormalities can be better recognized. MRI contrast media have the advantage that they are very well tolerated. They can also be used if the patient already has a known iodine allergy or frequent hypersensitivity reactions to medical devices.Nevertheless, complications can still occur with the MRI contrast media used.

In very rare cases it can also lead to nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. This is a disease of the connective tissue and skin. It can result in a reduction in movement with increasing joint stiffness.

In the further course of the disease, damage to the internal organs may eventually occur. Patients with severe kidney disease in particular have an increased risk of developing this disease. If any of the following symptoms occur after several hours or even days following an MRI of the lumbar spine, a doctor should be consulted immediately to clarify any late complications. or MRI with contrast medium

  • Itching
  • Deflection
  • Pain
  • Nausea