Episiotomy scar inflammation | Episiotomy scar

Episiotomy scar inflammation

An episiotomy scar is prone to the development of inflammation due to its anatomical proximity to the anus. This is due to the fact that the stool contains various bacteria that perform useful tasks in the intestine, but which can cause inflammation if they come into contact with open skin wounds. Inflammation of an episiotomy scar usually manifests itself as burning and itching, as well as redness.

If these symptoms occur, an inflammation must therefore be considered and the gynaecologist must be consulted. Due to the anatomical conditions described above, an inflammation of an episiotomy scar tends to spread rapidly, so that a quick start of therapy is necessary. For the treatment of an inflamed episiotomy scar, anti-inflammatory sitz baths in combination with analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or ASS (aspirin) are suitable in mild cases. In more severe cases, however, surgical wound cleansing may be necessary.

Removal of the episiotomy scar

The term “removal” of an episiotomy scar is a concept from the field of holistic medicine. Within the scope of this scar removal, the healing of the scar tissue is to be promoted with the help of e.g. acupuncture, laser therapy or injections with homeopathic remedies. Since the treatment concepts of scar correction have not yet been confirmed by scientifically based studies, it can be assumed that possible treatment successes can be explained in particular by a placebo effect.

For this reason, and also because of the sometimes immense costs, no generally valid recommendation for the implementation of scar treatment can be given from a scientific point of view. If, however, the person affected has already had good experience with similar concepts of holistic medicine in the case of other diseases or complaints, such a procedure for scar removal can possibly be considered as a supplement to the conventional medical care provided by the gynaecologist. Due to the unclear scientific situation, the question of cost coverage by the health insurance company is also problematic. This should be clarified before the start of consultations in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.