Errors | Hymen reconstruction


Behind the myth of the hymen and virginity are many misconceptions. For example, in many women the hymen is no longer completely intact despite their virginity. Moreover, it is not possible for a man to feel the hymen tearing during sexual intercourse.

Not even a gynaecologist is able to clearly prove in an examination whether the woman is a virgin or not. Moreover, despite an intact hymen, it can happen that the woman does not bleed during the first intercourse. This is even the case in about 50%. Even after the operation and reconstruction, it cannot be guaranteed with certainty that the woman will bleed during her next intercourse.


In preparation for the reconstruction of the hymen, detailed consultations are necessary. It is very important that a doctor is chosen in whom the woman has confidence. During the consultation, it is important to ask the woman’s reasons and expectations.

The physician should inform the patient about the anatomy of the female sex, since there are often unrealistic ideas. Furthermore, the woman should be made aware that a hymen reconstruction is no guarantee that she will bleed on the wedding night. Also the misconception about the proof of virginity will be cleared up.

Patients should be presented with alternative ways of deceiving their husband and convincing him of their virginity. There are different ways to get blood as proof on the bed sheet. For example, a needle hidden in a wedding dress can be used to prick your finger and thereby get a drop of blood on the sheet.

There are also capsules with a blood-like dye that can be inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse and which cause the dye to get onto the sheet. Many women are also afraid that the man might notice that she has already had sex because she is not “tight” enough.Here, the gynecologist can provide advice by explaining to women how to tense the pelvic floor and thus narrow the vaginal entrance. If the woman decides to restore the hymen despite the explanation, blood-thinning medication (for example Marcumar) must be discontinued, as with any other operation.

No food should be taken on the day of the operation. It is advisable to plan the monthly cycle already during the preparations and to perform the hymen reconstruction after the monthly menstruation. As a further preparation, the woman should shave her genital area before the procedure.