Eyelid Tumor: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The term eyelid tumor or eyelid tumor covers a whole range of skin growths on the upper or lower limb of the eyes. These tumors can be benign or malignant.

What is a eyelid tumor?

Eyelid tumors are tumors on the eyelid. Benign eyelid tumors are usually warts, skin sponges, or fatty deposits. Malignant eyelid tumors are mostly basaliomas, also called basal cell carcinoma. This is a particularly aggressive, fast-growing tumor that can also affect other areas of the face (e.g. nose or pinna). More than 90 percent of all eyelid tumors are basaliomas. The remaining ten percent are sebaceous gland carcinomas, melanomas (“black skin cancer“) or squamous cell carcinomas. Eyelid tumors can affect people of any age. It is particularly common in people over the age of 60. However, in recent years, doctors are increasingly finding eyelid tumors in younger patients. Eyelid tumors are particularly common on the inner corner of the eyelid and the lower limb.


The cause of a eyelid tumor is primarily sun exposure. UV radiation from the sun promotes the development of basaliomas and other skin tumors. Thus, of course, frequent solarium visits also play a role in the development of eyelid tumors. Heredity can also be a cause, especially in the case of black skin cancer.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

A eyelid tumor initially causes palpable or visible skin changes on the eyelid. Lumps or discolorations may appear in the area of the affected eye, such as black or brown spots that hurt when touched. Eyelid tumors often develop into malignant tumors as they progress. They can grow and grow and significantly affect vision. The skin lesions may cause pain or be completely painless. If they spread to the lacrimal duct, there may be persistent tearing. Eyelashes often fall out or indurations form on the eyelid. Benign eyelid tumors may develop within a few weeks and spontaneously regress over a period of a few months. In extreme cases, malignant eyelid tumors can lead to the loss of the eye. Since they are usually only discovered in the late stages due to their insidious growth, permanent damage to the eye has often already developed. Then the affected person suffers from chronic visual disturbances, which can be an enormous burden. There is also a risk that further tumors will form in other areas of the body. Metastasis is life-threatening, as internal and external organs can be affected. As a result, there may be a variety of symptoms, which always depend on the location of the metastases.

Diagnosis and course

The ophthalmologist or dermatologist usually makes the diagnosis of a eyelid tumor based on the altered appearance of the eyelid. Thus, he or she makes a visual diagnosis. A tissue biopsy, i.e., a tissue sampling, secures the diagnosis. Since there are different types of eyelid tumors, the symptoms can also vary. A eyelid tumor also does not necessarily affect the patient. Malignant cancerous tumors on the eyelid continue to grow. Benign eyelid tumors, on the other hand, can develop within a few weeks and also disappear spontaneously. Malignant eyelid tumors often change over time. There may be the appearance of nodules or discoloration on the eyelid (e.g., brown or black spots). The skin changes on the eyelid may cause pain, but they do not have to. In addition to nodules, the skin changes can affect other structures of the eye and grow into the conjunctiva or tear duct. The eyelashes may also fall out. Malignant eyelid tumors can lead to loss of the eye. In this case, the disease often progresses insidiously and slowly at first, and often the first symptoms are rather uncharacteristic and are discovered late. Often the doctor first suspects an inflammation or a rash on the eye. As with most cancers, the chance of recovery is largely dependent on the tumor being detected and treated as early as possible. If the malignant eyelid tumor can be completely removed, the prognosis is very good. However, further skin changes may occur in the follow-up period, so that consistent, regular follow-up is absolutely necessary. If the eyelid tumor has already spread, that is, if metastases are already present in the body, the chances of cure decrease.


Due to a eyelid tumor, patients suffer from various complaints.As a rule, this results in clearly visible changes that appear directly on the skin. It is not uncommon for patients to feel unattractive as a result of these changes and suffer from reduced self-esteem or even inferiority complexes. Likewise, psychological complaints and even depression can arise from this. Not infrequently, a eyelid tumor also leads to the loss of eyelashes, which also has a very negative effect on the appearance. The eyelids can become inflamed, which can lead to severe pain. Likewise, the patient’s entire field of vision is restricted by the eyelid tumor, resulting in reduced and, above all, disturbed vision. If the tumor spreads, it can also cause tumors in other areas of the body. This significantly reduces the patient’s life expectancy. As a rule, a eyelid tumor can be surgically removed. No particular complications occur during this procedure. However, patients are still dependent on chemotherapy or radiation therapy after removal. Therefore, the further course of this disease depends greatly on the extent of the tumor.

When should you go to the doctor?

If palpable or visible skin changes are noticed, the cause of which is not known, medical advice is required in any case. Thus, brown or black spots should be clarified as well as skin growths, nodules or changes in the skin structure. At the latest, if the skin changes become larger and spread to the surrounding regions, this must be clarified by a doctor. The physician can determine or exclude the eyelid tumor and initiate the further treatment steps. If no treatment is given, a eyelid tumor can lead to the loss of the eye. Therefore, symptoms should be carefully monitored and reported to a physician. Individuals who have a genetic predisposition, have been exposed to X-ray irradiation, or have a history of skin cancer belong to the risk groups. They should immediately discuss the symptoms described with their family physician. If necessary, the physician can consult other specialists, such as a dermatologist, an internist and an ophthalmologist. If psychological problems accompany the physical complaints, therapeutic counseling may be useful.

Treatment and therapy

A benign eyelid tumor, if it does not disappear on its own, usually entails cosmetic therapy. Surgery is also necessary if the benign eyelid tumor becomes too large. Malignant eyelid tumors usually require surgical treatment. A surgeon cuts the tumor out of the eyelid. Depending on the type of tumor, the doctor may also order radiation therapy or laser treatment. Another treatment option is cryotherapy, in which the affected area of skin is iced. Chemotherapy may also be necessary. The best type of treatment must be determined by the physician and is based not only on the type of tumor, but also on its location, degree of spread, and the patient’s age.

Outlook and prognosis

Basically, a distinction must be made between a benign and malignant eyelid tumor. Senior citizens over 60 years of age are mainly affected. In the benign eyelid tumor, there is a very favorable prognosis. In many cases it even disappears by itself. If, on the other hand, it becomes too large, surgical intervention is usually necessary. Small cosmetic corrections may be indicated afterwards. The situation is different with a malignant tumor. The prospect of cure depends on three factors: the stage at diagnosis, the location, and the type. If a diagnosis is made at an early stage and is immediately followed by therapy, a positive prognosis can be assumed. Complete removal of a tumor by surgery also leads to a cure. The successful therapy of a eyelid tumor does not end the treatment. This is because there is a risk that skin changes may promote new growth. This is known from birthmarks. Therefore, once diseased, follow-up examinations should definitely be made use of. Only regular check-ups will result in a long-term favorable prognosis. Doctors can thus intervene immediately in the early stages and make optimal use of the available options.


The best prevention is to avoid intense sun exposure. Sunburns, in particular, cause massive damage to the skin and have been shown to promote the development of skin cancer, including eyelid tumors.The same applies to the improper and too frequent use of solariums and sunbeds. The use of sunscreen creams with a sufficiently high sun protection factor is essential. Regular examination of the skin for changes by a dermatologist is the best way to detect a eyelid tumor at an early stage.

Follow-up care

Due to a eyelid tumor, affected individuals suffer from various complications. There are significant changes in the facial skin of affected individuals. This often results in inferiority complexes or lowered self-esteem. Affected persons do not feel beautiful because the eyelid tumor is on the face and thus visible to everyone. This usually results in severe depression or other mental illnesses. Sometimes it can be helpful to manage the aftercare with the support of a psychologist. This can take away one’s fears and help one to concentrate on the recovery process and make it easier to deal with the disease. Since sufferers are often dependent on chemotherapy, aftercare lies in alleviating the unpleasant side effects and maintaining quality of life as much as possible. This also includes the support of friends and family. Since the course always depends on the severity of the disease, aftercare is also highly individualized.

What you can do yourself

The human eye should always be adequately protected from direct exposure to sunlight. By wearing sunglasses with UV protection, as well as hats, less UV radiation reaches the eye and the surrounding skin regions. This has a positive effect on skin function and prevents the formation of eyelid tumors. Visitors to solariums are well advised to stay away from them completely. If a stay in a solarium nevertheless takes place, the eye area must be well covered. Patients with an eye tumor should contact a physician as soon as possible, since in the majority of cases the tumor is malignant and must be removed. Patients should refrain from removing ulcers, nodules or similar skin lesions on the eye on their own responsibility. Otherwise, the state of health would deteriorate significantly and the risk of the cancer cells spreading increases. The patient should also refrain from using cosmetic products on the face for the period of medical treatment. These additionally irritate the skin and can lead to open wounds. Since germs can enter the organism via the wounds, there is a risk of further illnesses. Itching or chafing of the eyes should also be avoided in order not to run any unnecessary risks. On the other hand, it is helpful to avoid bright light.