Fertility Check

The fertility check for women (synonyms: fertility check; fertility examination) serves to clarify whether there are fundamental disorders of fertility (fertility) or to examine the oocyte reserve, i.e. the proof of sufficient oocytes for a future pregnancy. Since many women today want to become pregnant very late, early examination of hormonal balance and determination of oocyte reserve is important for this purpose.

The procedure

The fertility check begins with a detailed interview as part of taking your family and personal history, i.e. your medical history. In the further course, a physical examination is performed if necessary. This is followed by a blood sample and subsequent blood test. From the blood draw, the following hormones will be determined to assess your fertility potential:

  • FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) – follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH or also called follitropin) is produced in the pituitary gland (pituitary gland) and, with the cooperation of luteinizing hormone (LH), controls follicle maturation (egg maturation) and estrogen production in women. An elevated FSH blood level (as far as this was determined outside of ovulation) can indicate a climacterium praecox (premature menopause; early entry into menopause).
  • Estradiol (estrogen) – in women is formed mainly in the ovaries (ovaries: Graafian follicle, corpus luteum) and in pregnant women in the placenta. The concentration of estradiol changes during the female cycle.
  • Progesterone (corpus luteum hormone) – is formed in the ovaries in the corpus luteum and increases in the luteal phase (corpus luteum phase) – on the 5th-8th day after ovulation is the maximum serum level.
  • Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) – this hormone is produced in the granulosa cells of growing follicles (egg follicles) in the ovary (ovary). There is a direct relationship between the level of AMH and the number of eggs capable of maturation, that is, this hormone parameter provides information about the available egg reserve

For more information on the individual laboratory parameters see below the name of the same name.

In addition to the above laboratory tests, numerous other examination methods (eg, cycle monitoring by ultrasound, etc.) – depending on the exact question – are possible.

Indications (areas of application)


Fertility check gives you confidence and information about your current or future fertility.