Gargling – a proven home remedy

What is gargling?

Gargling is the prolonged rinsing of the mouth and throat with a healing liquid. This is usually water mixed with salt, medicinal herbs or essential oils. However, you can also gargle with pure oil.

How does gargling work?

Gargling can have a disinfectant, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect. The additives used play a decisive role here. For example, apple cider vinegar and salt water have a disinfectant effect, while camomile has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Gargling also keeps the mouth and throat moist so that viruses and bacteria can spread less quickly.

What complaints does gargling help with?

Gargling has proven to be effective for sore throats, throat and pharyngitis (e.g. tonsillitis) and open sores in the mouth, such as oral thrush. Gargle solutions with salt, sage, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil or hydrogen peroxide are recommended for these complaints.

In the case of acute infections in the mouth and throat, a doctor should first clarify the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment – especially for children. Gargling can then support the treatment.

How do you gargle?

You can use water with various additives, depending on the symptoms you want to treat with the gargle. For example, salt, herbal remedies such as sage and camomile, apple cider vinegar and essential oils such as peppermint or tea tree oil have proven effective.

You can also gargle with olive oil instead of water. Oil pulling is known from Ayurvedic medicine. This involves rinsing the mouth with olive oil for 5 to 10 minutes.

You can use normal table salt for the salt solution. Apple cider vinegar and olive oil are available in grocery stores. Essential oils and medicinal herbs are available from pharmacies, for example.

To gargle properly, take a sip of the gargling liquid (about a shot glass full) into your mouth. Now tilt your head back so that the liquid reaches the back of your throat. Hold your breath and start gargling. Before you breathe in again, you must stop gargling. Repeat this process for about five minutes.

Do not swallow the gargle solution! Mixtures with salt or essential oils in particular can irritate the mucous membranes of the throat, oesophagus, stomach and intestines.

Gargling with salt water

To gargle with salt, mix a teaspoon of salt with 250 ml of lukewarm water. The salt dissolves faster in this than in cold water. Stir the mixture until the salt crystals have completely dissolved.

Gargle with this salt water solution for about five minutes every two to three hours. You should gargle with salt a maximum of six times a day.

Gargling with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has proven to be a good gargle for sore throats and dental care.

Tea tree gargle solution for a sore throat

Mix two drops of tea tree oil with a little (apple) vinegar and a cup of lukewarm water. Gargle twice a day with this solution.

Tea tree gargle solution for dental care

The following recipe is recommended for the prevention of tooth decay and for the accompanying treatment of periodontitis, sores and ulcers in the mouth: mix one drop of tea tree oil with half a cup of warm water and gargle three times a day.

Gargling with sage

Sage is a proven remedy for sore throats and inflammation in the mouth and throat. You can use the essential oil from the medicinal plant or sage tea to gargle.

Sage oil for gargling

Sage tea for gargling

Instead of sage oil, you can use sage tea to gargle.

This is how the tea is prepared: Pour 150 milliliters of boiling water over three grams of sage leaves. Cover the mixture and leave to infuse for about ten minutes. Then pour the tea through a sieve and gargle with the still-warm sage solution.

The maximum daily dose is four to six grams of sage leaves.

Gargling with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a disinfectant effect. Gargling with apple cider vinegar several times a day can therefore help with inflammation in the mouth and throat. To do this, add about two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Gargle for around five minutes.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has a disinfectant effect and can eliminate bad odours (deodorizing effect). Gargling with diluted hydrogen peroxide is therefore suitable for inflammation of the mucous membranes such as tonsillitis and for oral care.

Be sure to spit out the hydrogen peroxide mixture after gargling and never swallow it. This is because H2O2 attacks the mucous membranes in the throat, oesophagus, stomach and intestines.

Gargling with undiluted oil

Undiluted oil is also suitable for gargling. Gargling with olive oil, for example, is recommended. Oil pulling is known from Ayurvedic medicine and is said to support the immune system. The oil forms a film on the (possibly irritated) mucous membrane in the mouth and throat, keeping it moist and protecting it from invading pathogens.

If you would like to try oil pulling, it is best to use high-quality, pure olive oil. Take a sip of it in your mouth, draw the liquid through your gums and teeth and gargle with it. This should take about five to ten minutes and can be done several times a day.

When is gargling not recommended?

Gargling is generally regarded as a gentle, well-tolerated household remedy. However, caution is advised if you have an allergy to the ingredients of a gargle solution. In this case, you should not use it under any circumstances.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have children, you should first ask your doctor which additives are suitable for gargling. This is especially true if you want to use essential oils.

Children should generally only gargle when they can reliably manage to spit out liquids again.

Home remedies have their limits. If your symptoms persist over a longer period of time, do not improve or even get worse, you should always consult a doctor.