Healing time and prognosis | Pain at the wrist

Healing time and prognosis

The healing time for carpal pain can vary greatly.

  • In most cases, these are harmless bruises after falls or irritation of the tendonous or cartilaginous parts of the wrist. In these cases, the discomfort subsides within a few days with sufficient protection.
  • Longer lasting pain can be expected in case of tendosynovitis or injury to wrist structures.

    Tendinitis may require several weeks of healing and immobilization.

  • The healing time of injuries of the bones, cartilages or ligaments of the wrist varies with the choice of treatment. Conservative methods sometimes require several weeks of rest and healing. After surgical therapies, the wrist can often be reloaded earlier.
  • In individual cases, injuries and diseases of the wrist can lead to long-term complaints. Even cartilage wear and tear, a so-called “arthrosis“, can result from the diseases.