Neuroblastoma: Radiotherapy

Radiation therapy (radiatio) is given to people with an advanced tumor after previous surgery and chemotherapy when residual tumor is still detectable. MIBG therapy: this therapy uses radioactively labeled meta-iodine benzylguanidine (MIBG). The administration of this substance allows for internal radiation therapy that selectively targets tumor cells. This form of therapy can also be used … Neuroblastoma: Radiotherapy

Neuroblastoma: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Usually, neuroblastoma does not cause any symptoms and is therefore discovered by chance. However, the following symptoms and complaints may indicate neuroblastoma in some cases: Fatigue, weakness Paleness Listlessness Prolonged moderate fever Sweating Lymphadenopathy (lymph node enlargement) Distended abdomen Dyspnea (shortness of breath) Anorexia (loss of appetite), weight loss. Nausea (nausea), vomiting. Constipation (constipation) Diarrhea … Neuroblastoma: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs