For whom is an ultrasonic toothbrush useful? | Ultrasonic toothbrush

For whom is an ultrasonic toothbrush useful? The ultrasonic toothbrush is useful for patients with very sensitive and thin gums, who benefit from the fact that there is no longer any mechanical friction caused by brushing the teeth, and the gums are no longer irritated. This is true for the majority of patients who have … For whom is an ultrasonic toothbrush useful? | Ultrasonic toothbrush

Ultrasonic toothbrush for children | Ultrasonic toothbrush

Ultrasonic toothbrush for children Electric toothbrushes can be used by children from the age of 3 years, sonic toothbrushes from about 4-5 years. There are no ultrasonic toothbrushes specifically for children, but children would have to use the models that are also for adults. In general, an ultrasonic toothbrush can be used by children if … Ultrasonic toothbrush for children | Ultrasonic toothbrush

Tooth gel without fluoride | The tooth gel

Tooth gel without fluoride Fluoride free tooth gels are primarily for patients who cannot tolerate fluoride. However, fluoride intolerance is extremely rare. The gels consist of natural herbal essences to maintain oral health and promote prophylactic treatment. Furthermore, there are also toothpastes that are specially produced for fluoride intolerance and are also declared as tooth … Tooth gel without fluoride | The tooth gel

The tooth gel

Introduction Tooth gels are designed to be applied to the teeth rows to protect and seal the hard tooth substance or to calm sensitive teeth. More and more dentists are recommending the regular use of gentle fluoride gels for prophylactic protection against caries and to create a lasting healthy oral flora. Since the term is … The tooth gel

Brushing your teeth

Tooth brushing, tooth cleaning, dental hygiene, dental floss, toothbrushBacterial plaque is the cause of caries and diseases of the periodontium. The prophylaxis, i.e. prevention, of these diseases consists in removing these plaque. Besides dental floss, dental sticks and interdental brushes, toothbrushes and toothpaste are the main means of prevention. Since the plaque is very firmly … Brushing your teeth

What do you think about apps for brushing your teeth? | Brushing your teeth

What do you think about apps for brushing your teeth? The novelty on the market are apps that are designed to help users brush their teeth in order to get better feedback on how good their own oral hygiene is. Particularly noteworthy are the apps that are specially designed for children and are intended to … What do you think about apps for brushing your teeth? | Brushing your teeth