How is a chickenpox vaccination carried out? | The vaccination against chickenpox

How is a chickenpox vaccination carried out?

A chickenpox vaccination should be given twice in total. In children it is recommended to vaccinate them once at the age of about 11-14 months and then again at the age of 15-23 months. There should be an interval of at least 4 weeks between vaccinations.

In special cases it is possible to vaccinate earlier, but it is not recommended to vaccinate your child before the age of 9 months. Older children and adults can still be vaccinated. There are combination vaccines, so you can be vaccinated against: at the same time.

Here too, however, you must be vaccinated twice. The chickenpox vaccine is injected subcutaneously, i.e. under the skin, or intramuscularly, i.e. into the muscle. This is an active vaccination with a live vaccine.

  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella and
  • Chickenpox

How often must a vaccination against chickenpox be administered?

A vaccination against chickenpox is necessary twice. Afterwards a basic immunization is available. In contrast to other vaccinations, chickenpox does not require a booster vaccination after a few years.

The protection provided by the vaccination lasts for life after two vaccinations.After the first vaccination between the eleventh and fourteenth month, the second vaccination should be given between the 15th and 23rd month of life. Afterwards, a complete vaccination protection is available. A second vaccination is necessary because the protection after the first vaccination is only about 80% – after the second vaccination the protection is usually just under 100%.

When must the chickenpox vaccination be refreshed?

In contrast to other vaccinations, a chickenpox vaccination does not require a booster after the basic immunization (double vaccination). For persons working in the health care sector, the so-called vaccination titres are determined for adjustment. A vaccination titre is the amount of antibodies against a vaccine pathogen. If the number of antibodies is too low (the vaccination titre is too low), then a follow-up vaccination is recommended to ensure complete protection.