Wisdom tooth complaints

Introduction Everyone has heard about the wisdom teeth. Many people often do not even know whether they have any or even how many, because the wisdom teeth often remain under the mucous membrane of the mouth and do not protrude into the oral cavity. At the latest when one of the teeth causes problems, or … Wisdom tooth complaints

Everything around the wisdom tooth surgery | Wisdom tooth complaints

Everything around the wisdom tooth surgery Whether a wisdom tooth extraction is necessary depends on many different factors. Last but not least, it is of course necessary to remove the tooth if it is inflamed and painful several times in a row. The dentist can see from the X-ray image whether the wisdom tooth has … Everything around the wisdom tooth surgery | Wisdom tooth complaints

Connection between migraine or headache | Wisdom tooth complaints

Connection between migraine or headache Wisdom teeth start to grow comparatively late. Growth is not complete until the age of 25. If you get headaches during the growth phase of the wisdom teeth, this may well be related. The teeth are located so far back in the mouth that the pressure can radiate into the … Connection between migraine or headache | Wisdom tooth complaints