Aching scalp

Definition Sensory disturbances of the scalp that are accompanied by pain or even tingling or itching are called “trichodynia”. Translated, this actually means “aching hair“, as many people feel that the pain is caused by it. However, hair has no nerves and therefore cannot cause pain. Often the aching scalp is not clearly distinguishable from … Aching scalp

Diagnosis | Aching scalp

Diagnosis The diagnosis is usually based on the symptoms and questioning of the patient. In order to find out if there is tension in the shoulder, neck and throat area, the doctor will palpate these areas. If it is a fungus on the scalp (tinea capitis), a smear can be taken from the inflamed and … Diagnosis | Aching scalp

Duration of pain | Aching scalp

Duration of pain The duration varies depending on what is causing the pain. If the pain is caused by influenza, it usually disappears again after a few days. Tension, stress and mental illness must be treated accordingly. In some cases earlier, in others later, the accompanying symptoms improve or disappear with successful treatment. The painful … Duration of pain | Aching scalp

Household remedy against cornea

Introduction The callus on the hands or feet is an important protective barrier for our skin against excessive stress. Nevertheless, in most cases it is perceived as disturbing and cosmetically unattractive and should be removed. There are many different techniques and methods available today for the removal of calluses. Nevertheless, well-known household remedies are still … Household remedy against cornea

Skin biopsy

Definition A skin biopsy is the removal of a small area of skin for subsequent analysis. A small forceps is inserted into the skin using a punch. A small area can also be removed with a scalpel. A local anaesthetic is administered beforehand. A sample is taken through the forceps. There are two different forms … Skin biopsy

Preparation | Skin biopsy

Preparation Before the procedure, the patient must be informed about the possible consequences of the biopsy. In order to further prepare a skin biopsy, the physician will provide the necessary material. If no abnormal change is examined, a hairless area on the arm or leg is looked for. It may also be necessary to clear … Preparation | Skin biopsy

Evaluation | Skin biopsy

Evaluation The evaluation of a skin biopsy can be done quickly or be available only after a few days. Usually the skin sample is placed in a solution and sent to a special facility. This is where the final evaluation takes place. For evaluation, the sample can be prepared in such a way that it … Evaluation | Skin biopsy