Duration of treatment for Impetigo Contagiosa | Contagious impetigo

Duration of treatment for Impetigo Contagiosa The antibiotic therapy is usually scheduled for 7 days. After that the skin symptoms should decrease. Since the lesions are open wounds, healing may take a little longer than 7 days, but the wounds are no longer contagious. Special feature for adults Impetigo Contagiosa can also occur in adults. … Duration of treatment for Impetigo Contagiosa | Contagious impetigo

Eyelid rash

Definition A rash on the eyelid describes a spotted redness over the eyelid, which can be accompanied by small pustules or wheals, as well as itching, burning or pain. The eyelid is often affected because it is a very stressed area of the face, which comes into daily contact with a variety of potential pathogens … Eyelid rash

Perioral Dermatitis

Synonyms Perioral dermatitis is also known as oral erythema, stewardess disease or rosacea-like dermatitis. If the affected areas are only around the eyes, it is called periocular dermatitis. Definition The term perioral dermatitis describes an inflammation of the skin that typically extends around the mouth and eyes. However, symptoms can also occur on the nose. … Perioral Dermatitis

Skin rash around the mouth

Definition Women are particularly affected by this condition: the skin around the mouth area suddenly turns red and burns, tightens uncomfortably and small pimples and blisters form. Within a few days to weeks the rash can sometimes spread to the chin, the skin becomes dry and flaky. No moisturizing cream or lotion can help, but … Skin rash around the mouth