Photodynamic Therapy Benefits

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a method of treating tumors with light in combination with a light-activatable substance called a photosensitizer. Indications (areas of application) Actinic keratosis (light keratosis) (as field-directed therapy (strong recommendation). Basal cell carcinoma (BCC; basal cell carcinoma). Bowen’s disease Actinic keratosis – light keratosis An actinic keratosis is a cornification disorder of … Photodynamic Therapy Benefits

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy and ultra red light therapy belong to the therapeutic methods of light therapy. Both methods develop their therapeutic effects through heat, which develops in the tissues as a result of the radiation. For this reason, red light therapy and ultra-red light therapy also belong to the subfield of heat therapy. Depending on … Red Light Therapy

UV Light Therapy

UV light therapy (light therapy with ultraviolet light) is not only used in the treatment of dermatological diseases (see: UVB 311 nm light therapy; light therapy for psoriasis). This article discusses the effect of UV radiation on vitamin D3 balance and the resulting therapeutic use. Indications (areas of application) Rickets – This disease occurs in … UV Light Therapy

UVB 311 nm Light Therapy

UVB 311 nm light therapy (synonym: narrow spectrum UVB; 311 nm UVB) belongs to the subfield of UVB phototherapy, which in turn is a derivative of light therapy. The method is used primarily in dermatology (the study of skin diseases) for the treatment of psoriasis, where it has achieved great success. Phototherapy is the treatment … UVB 311 nm Light Therapy

Blue Light Therapy

Blue light therapy is a special form of light therapy and is used primarily for the treatment or prophylaxis (prevention) of so-called icterus neonatorum. This physiological jaundice is due to hyperbilirubinemia (increased concentration of bilirubin) and is a consequence of the short life span of the fetal erythrocytes (red blood cells of the newborn). Bilirubin … Blue Light Therapy

Autologous Blood Therapy

Autologous blood therapy is a naturopathic procedure also known as non-specific stimulation therapy. Its first application was by the Berlin surgeon August Bier in 1905, who studied and theorized the effect on the healing process of fractures (broken bones). All variants of this therapy are similar in the basic procedure. A defined amount of blood … Autologous Blood Therapy

Hematogenous Oxidation Therapy

Hematogenous oxidation therapy (HOT) was first introduced in 1956 by the Swiss physician Prof. Dr. F. Wehrli. It is a photochemical procedure used in the sense of autologous blood therapy. Both the enrichment of blood with oxygen and the irradiation with high-energy light were known. However, in 1957 Wehrli succeeded in developing a device that … Hematogenous Oxidation Therapy

Psoriasis Light Therapy

Light therapy for psoriasis is a scientifically recognized procedure used worldwide that has achieved great success. So-called psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that progresses in episodes and is based on a genetic disposition. The disease can be triggered by physical, chemical, mechanical and inflammatory irritations of the skin as well … Psoriasis Light Therapy