Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma: Causes

Hyperprolactinemia Pathogenesis (disease development) Prolactin (PRL, synonyms: lactotropic hormone (LTH); lactotropin) is a hormone from the anterior pituitary (HVL) that acts on the mammary gland and controls milk production in women after pregnancy.Prolactin itself is inhibited by prolactin inhibiting factor (PIF), which is produced in the hypothalamus (section of the diencephalon near the optic nerve … Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma: Causes

In Good Hands: Mobile with Baby

Slings, baby carriers, back carriers and infant carriers: when it comes to mobility with baby and toddler, parents are spoiled for choice. The scent of mommy, the deep voice of daddy – especially in the first year of life, it is important for babies to feel the reassuring closeness of their parents. However, anyone who … In Good Hands: Mobile with Baby

So that the Beginning with the Baby Succeeds: Tips against Small Aches and Pains

The time after birth is exciting – especially with the first child. And not infrequently, the “newborn” child parents are also particularly worried. Yet the “newborn” on its way into the world needs above all food, love, warmth and lots of physical contact – conditions for which most parents can rely on their natural instincts. … So that the Beginning with the Baby Succeeds: Tips against Small Aches and Pains

Screening Examinations for Children: from U1 to J1

Early detection of diseases is an important part of medicine – especially in pediatrics. Therefore, parents should take advantage of the examinations for early detection of diseases to which all children are entitled under the statutory health insurance. The examinations should be mandatory appointments of parental care. After the birth of a child, parents receive … Screening Examinations for Children: from U1 to J1

Skin Diseases in Infants: Showing Conspicuous Skin Changes to the Dermatologist

Young parents can not get enough of their offspring. Again and again they look at him, play and talk to him. And that’s a good thing, according to Munich dermatologist Prof. Dietrich Abeck, because skin diseases are immediately recognizable. At the same time, however, the expert on skin diseases in childhood reassures young parents. Not … Skin Diseases in Infants: Showing Conspicuous Skin Changes to the Dermatologist

Protect Children from Colds

Cough or cold viruses can settle and multiply particularly well in children. Their immune system is not yet fully developed. Up to six colds per year are considered normal. If parents take preventive measures in good time, the risk of contracting respiratory infections can be significantly reduced. However, this can sometimes be strenuous and not … Protect Children from Colds

Sick Child

“Mom, my tummy hurts!”. When children can speak, they are also able to communicate where it pinches and tweaks. Whereas children also often complain about tummy aches, but actually suffer from headaches. Children up to about the age of six can hardly locate pain. They project everything into the stomach. Mostly they indicate pain in … Sick Child

Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma

In the following, hyperprolactinemia and prolactinoma are presented together, because prolactinoma is always accompanied by hyperprolactinemia. Hyperprolactinemia (synonyms: pathologic prolactin elevation; prolactin excess; ICD-10-GM E22.1: hyperprolactinemia) is a pathologic (abnormal) elevation of prolactin levels. Causes are often drugs (which cause functional disinhibition due to decreased dopamine levels in the pituitary gland; see Causes) and rather … Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma

Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of prolactinoma. Family history Social history Is there any evidence of psychosocial stress or based on your family situation? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). Women What symptoms have you noticed? When was your last menstrual period? At what intervals does … Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma: Medical History

Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (E00-E90). Acromegaly – endocrinologic disorder caused by overproduction of growth hormone (somatotropic hormone (STH), somatotropin), with marked enlargement of the phalanges or acras, such as the hands, feet, mandible, chin, nose, and eyebrow ridges. Primary hypothyroidism (primary hypothyroidism) – primary hypothyroidism is commonly referred to when the thyroid gland itself … Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactinoma: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis