Healing time of a penis fungus | Penis fungus – Candidosis in men

Healing time of a penis fungus

In the case of a purely local infection with the penis fungus, an improvement of the symptoms can be expected after a few days. Until the symptoms disappear completely, one to two weeks may pass. How long the healing process takes exactly depends on the frequency and thoroughness of the therapeutic measures.

The start of treatment also plays a role. If the therapy is started immediately after the beginning of the fungal infection, the healing process is faster and less complicated than if the treatment is started after a few days or even weeks. During the healing phase sexual intercourse should be avoided.

However, candidiasis is particularly persistent if it does not only occur locally on the penis, but spreads throughout the body. In people with a healthy immune system, such a systemic spread is rather rare. In people with immune deficiencies, this spread can occur more frequently. Due to the weakened immune system, one must expect a delayed healing of several weeks or even several months.

Medicines for penis fungus

In most cases, locally effective medication can be given against penis fungus. The active ingredients are called antimycotics (= anti-fungal agents). They are usually applied as an ointment to the foreskin and glans.

They are usually absorbed quickly into the genital mucosa, where they can take effect very locally. The advantage of local therapy is that the microbial balance in the rest of the body is not disturbed. Typically, drugs such as Ampho-monoral® (Amphotericin B), itraconazole or fluconazole are used.

If candidiasis in men is not limited to the genital area, a systemic fungal infection must be expected.In this case a systemic therapy is also necessary, in which the antimycotic can work in the whole body. These drugs are usually given through the vein. Amphotericin B is also used here, and triazole antifungals can also be taken.

Nystatin is also an effective medication against the fungal infection. If necessary, caspofungin is used. It is also important to treat the underlying disease.

Antiretroviral therapy is effective against HIV, for example. In the case of diabetes, antidiabetics and, if necessary, insulin must be taken. For oncological diseases, a combination of chemotherapeutic agents, sometimes antibodies and, if necessary, radiation and surgery is usually effective.