Screening Examinations for Children: from U1 to J1

Early detection of diseases is an important part of medicine – especially in pediatrics. Therefore, parents should take advantage of the examinations for early detection of diseases to which all children are entitled under the statutory health insurance. The examinations should be mandatory appointments of parental care. After the birth of a child, parents receive a yellow examination booklet. This booklet records all early detection examinations, so it should always be kept in a safe place. The early detection examinations are abbreviated as U1 to U9. In addition, there is a so-called J examination for adolescents.

What are the examinations for?

The examinations are used to check physical, mental and social development. Thus, development or possible maldevelopments of the child can be recorded and – if necessary – appropriate therapy can be initiated. After all, many health disorders that occur in children often lay the foundation for serious illnesses in adulthood. The examinations are therefore an essential building block to protect the health of our children.

From U1 to J1

U1: immediately after birth

U2: third to tenth day of life.

U3: fourth to sixth week of life.

U4: third to fourth month of life.

  • Thorough examination – including organs and genitals, hearing and vision, fontanel, general mobility and responsiveness.
  • Second vaccination (see U3)
  • Completed fourth month third vaccination (see U4).

U5: sixth to seventh month of life.

  • Checking, among other things, the mobility and body control, hearing and vision.
  • If necessary, repeat vaccination

U6: tenth to twelfth month of life.

  • Examination of, among other things, bodily functions, mobility and body control, as well as advice on dental care.
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination, repeat vaccination if necessary.

U7: 21 to 24 months of life.

  • The so-called two-year examination: among other things, check the mental development.
  • MMR repeat vaccination

U8: three and a half to four years

  • Checking the functioning of organs, hearing and vision, speech development and body control.

U9: about five years

  • Comprehensive examination from head to toe: organ functions, vision and hearing, gross and fine motor development, posture, mental, emotional and social development, language ability. With the U 9 is a first assessment of when the child is ready for school.
  • Checking the vaccination record for completeness.

J1: 12 to 14 years

  • Check of physical and mental health: height, weight, blood, urine, vaccination status, condition of organs, skeletal system, sensory functions.
  • During this examination, adolescents have the opportunity to talk to the doctor about topics such as sexuality, contraception, alcohol or drugs without the presence of parents.


The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: “Every child has the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.” Parents can do a lot for their children. Security and safety are elementary for children. In addition, there are a few basic rules for health. In addition to regular screening examinations, a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are important for children’s development. Combined with adequate vaccination protection and proper dental care from the start, children have a good foundation for their future.