Digital Volume Tomography in Orthopedics

Digital volume tomography (DVT; synonyms: digital volume tomography; cone beam computed tomography, cone beam CT, CBCT) in orthopedics is a radiological imaging procedure that depicts bones and joints in three dimensions and can thus make a significant contribution to preoperative and posttraumatic diagnostics. The procedure allows excellent visualization of bony structures due to the high … Digital Volume Tomography in Orthopedics

Digital Volume Tomography in Dentistry

Digital volume tomography (DVT; synonyms: digital volume tomography; Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT) in dentistry is a radiological imaging procedure that depicts the anatomy of the teeth, jaws, and facial skull in three dimensions and can thus make a significant contribution to preoperative and post-traumatic diagnostics. The procedure allows excellent visualization of bony structures … Digital Volume Tomography in Dentistry