Symptoms in the 5th week of pregnancy | Symptoms of pregnancy

Symptoms in the 5th week of pregnancy

With reaching the 5th week, the 2nd month of pregnancy begins at the same time. Many expectant mothers now suspect that they are pregnant. The main reason for this is the fact that in the 5th week of pregnancy menstrual bleeding typically does not occur.

In addition, a pregnancy test can be carried out from week 5 onwards. Although test strips are now available that react very sensitively to an increase in the pregnancy hormone beta-HCG, the pregnancy test can still be negative at the beginning of week 5.If pregnancy is suspected despite a negative test result, a gynecologist can be consulted or a further test can be performed after two to three days. In addition, further symptoms of pregnancy can already appear in the 5th week.

However, these symptoms are usually still very unspecific and are not associated by the women with an existing pregnancy. During the 5th week, some of the expectant mothers already suffer from pronounced fatigue and subtle nausea. In addition, at this early stage of the pregnancy, there may already be impairments of the blood circulation. Some women become suspicious in the 5th week of pregnancy because they suffer from circulatory problems. Slight pulling pain in the left and/or right groin area can also be a sign of pregnancy.

Pregnancy despite birth control pill

The Pill is considered one of the most reliable medical contraceptives. The so-called Pearl Index reflects the effectiveness of the contraceptive and is between 0.1 and 0.9 for the pill, which means that for every 1000 women who take the pill correctly, between one and nine women will still become pregnant. If taken correctly, it can be assumed that typical premenstrual symptoms such as breast sensitivity and fatigue are present.

If the symptoms are particularly severe or have appeared for the first time, it should be urgently clarified whether the effectiveness of the pill has possibly been influenced. In particular, infections in the gastrointestinal tract with diarrhoea and/or vomiting can negatively influence the effectiveness of the pill. In addition, pregnancy can occur after a single interruption in the use of the pill. In case of doubt, a pregnancy test should be carried out or a gynecologist should be consulted if typical symptoms of pregnancy occur.