Procedure | MRT of the temporomandibular joint

Procedure An MRI examination of the temporomandibular joint begins with its preparation. First of all, the physician informs the patient about the upcoming examination and about the possible risks of an MRI examination. It is not necessary to be fasting before the examination. In some cases, contrast medium is administered through the vein to achieve … Procedure | MRT of the temporomandibular joint

What are the alternatives? | MRT of the temporomandibular joint

What are the alternatives? Claustrophobia or a defibrillator are contraindications for performing an MRI, so that alternatives must be sought. This depends on the problem and the indication. In most cases, an X-ray of the temporomandibular joint is always performed first anyway. In most cases, this is also sufficient, as it allows the temporomandibular joint … What are the alternatives? | MRT of the temporomandibular joint

From this one recognizes brain pressure signs | MRI of the brain

From this one recognizes brain pressure signs Increased intracranial pressure is referred to as an increase of more than 15 mmHg. The increased cerebral pressure is caused by an increase in volume within the bony skull. To detect signs of increased intracranial pressure, a CT or MRI is usually performed. One possible sign of cerebral … From this one recognizes brain pressure signs | MRI of the brain

Duration | MRI of the brain

Duration The duration of an MRI examination of the brain depends on how much time is needed for the actual image acquisition procedure. The pure imaging of the brain usually takes 15-20 minutes, although deviations may occur. The duration also depends on whether contrast medium is still administered via the arm vein or whether extra … Duration | MRI of the brain

MRI of the brain

Introduction MRI imaging of the brain is used for many different problems and, in addition to CT imaging, it is another way to obtain a detailed view of the skull and brain tissue. MRI is particularly well suited for imaging soft tissues, whereas CT imaging is better for imaging bone. Indications for an MRI examination … MRI of the brain