Spondylarthrosis: Symptoms and Treatment

Brief overview Causes and risk factors: Age-related wear and tear; overuse from sports, heavy physical labor, or obesity increase risk Symptoms: Back pain that cannot be localized precisely, often worse during the day and with exertion; morning stiffness of the spine, possible radiation to legs or neck Diagnosis: Medical history, physical examination, possibly X-ray, magnetic … Spondylarthrosis: Symptoms and Treatment

Rhizarthrosis: Causes and Treatment

Brief overview Treatment: Mainly symptomatic, conservative with pain medication, sparing of the joint by splints and the like; injections of cortisone and hyaluronic acid; various surgeries up to joint replacement Symptoms: pain when grasping; increasing immobility of the thumb; grinding and rubbing in the joint Causes and risk factors: Age-related wear and tear, overuse and … Rhizarthrosis: Causes and Treatment

Omarthrosis: Causes and Symptoms

Brief overview Causes and risk factors: Age-related wear and tear, overuse and improper use due to sports or occupation; unexplained factors; secondary osteoarthritis due to previous injuries or diseases of the shoulder. Symptoms: Pain in the shoulder especially when lifting the arm; increasing inability to move the shoulder Diagnosis: Medical history, physical examination, X-ray examination, … Omarthrosis: Causes and Symptoms