Leg length difference | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Leg length difference

A functional leg length difference can occur as a late consequence after surgical treatment of a femoral neck fracture. As a result of impaired fracture healing or loosening of implants, the formation of an asymmetrical leg axis is possible. The diagnosis of a leg length difference is usually made clinically.

Over time, painful malpositions develop in the back as a result of the pelvic obliquity. Small differences in leg length do not necessarily have to be treated. However, if the difference in length is greater than one centimeter, compensation should be considered.

Up to a difference of 12 centimeters, special insoles and custom-made orthopedic shoes are used. Furthermore, the clarification of the cause plays an important role. If necessary, a further surgical procedure must be performed to compensate for the difference in leg length.