Cinnarizine and Dimenhydrinate

Products Cinnarizine and dimenhydrinate are commercially available as a fixed combination in the form of tablets (Arlevert). The drug has been on the market in many countries since 2012. It was available earlier in Germany. Structure and properties The drug consists of 3 molecules in total. Dimenhydrinate is a combination of diphenhydramine and chlorotheophyllin. Effects … Cinnarizine and Dimenhydrinate


Products Betahistine is commercially available in the form of tablets and drops (Betaserc, generic). It has been approved in many countries since 1971. Structure and properties Betahistine (C8H12N2, Mr = 136.19 g/mol) exists as betahistine dihydrochloride, a white to pale yellow, very hygroscopic powder that is very soluble in water. Betahistine dimesilate is also present … Betahistine