Morphine: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses

Products Morphine is available in many countries in various dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, oral suspension, syrup, morphine drops, suppositories, and injectables. It is also prepared in pharmacies as an extemporaneous formulation. Structure and properties Morphine (C17H19NO3, Mr = 285.3 g/mol) is present in drugs mainly as morphine hydrochloride and as morphine sulfate pentahydrate. These … Morphine: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses

Morphine Drops

Products and production Morphine drops are an aqueous dropping solution of morphine hydrochloride, usually in concentration 1% or 2%, maximum 4%. The concentration refers to the salt; the effective amount of morphine base is less. The drug is subject to strict control as an anesthetic and is available only on prescription. The morphine drops of … Morphine Drops

Opium Tincture

Products Opium tincture is manufactured in pharmacies or ordered from specialized suppliers in pharmacopoeia quality (e.g., Hänseler). As of 2019, it is also approved as a finished drug in many countries (Dropizol, oral drops). Opium and the opioids are subject to narcotics legislation. Opium has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Structure and properties … Opium Tincture


Products No drugs containing the active ingredient dermorphin are currently approved in many countries. Structure and properties Dermorphin (C40H50N8O10, 802.9 g/mol) is a heptapeptide with the following sequence: Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH2 The oligopeptide has been isolated from the skin of South American tree frogs of the genus , e.g . What is special about this molecule is … Dermorphin


Products Levomethadone was approved in many countries in 2014 as an oral solution (L-polamidone). It was available earlier in Germany. Structure and properties Levomethadone (C21H27NO, Mr = 309.4 g/mol) is present in the drug as levomethadone hydrochloride, a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water. It is the active -enantiomer of the racemate methadone, … Levomethadone


Products In many countries, no finished drug products containing levorphanol are on the market. In other countries, products are registered. Structure and properties Levorphanol (C17H23NO, Mr = 257.4 g/mol) is present in the drug as levorphanol tartrate, a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water. It is an opioid and a derivative of morphine. … Levorphanol

Oxycodone, Naloxone

Products The fixed combination Targin with the active ingredients oxycodone and naloxone was approved in many countries in 2009. In other countries, the drug is also known as Targinact or Targiniq. In 2016, generic versions were approved in many countries. They went on sale in 2018. Structure and properties Oxycodone (C18H21NO4, Mr = 315.4 g/mol) … Oxycodone, Naloxone

Oxycodone: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses

Products Oxycodone is commercially available in the form of sustained-release tablets, capsules, melting tablets, as an injectable, and drops (including Oxycontin, Oxynorm, and generics). It has been used medicinally for decades. In the U.S., it is also used as a fix in combination with other analgesics such as acetaminophen (e.g., Percocet). Oxycodone is also available … Oxycodone: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses