
Active ingredient Combination preparation of St. John’s wort (Hyperici herba Extr. sicc.) and valerian root (Valerianae radix Extr. sicc. )Sedariston® is a combination of active ingredients from St. John’s wort and valerian in the form of capsules or drops which is available in pharmacies but not on prescription. It is a herbal medicine that is … Sedaristone®

Dosage | Sedaristone®

Dosage Sedariston® should be taken at the same time each day, if possible, with a little liquid. In patients with a sensitive stomach, Sedariston® should not be taken on an empty stomach but during or after a meal. Adults should take 4 capsules of Sedariston® daily unless otherwise agreed with the doctor. Either 1 capsule … Dosage | Sedaristone®