
Lozaar® is the trade name of the drug containing the active ingredient losartan potassium. Fields of application Lozaar® belongs to the drug group of angiotensin II receptor antagonists and can lower blood pressure by blocking the binding of angiotensin to the receptor. In addition, Lozaar® can help maintain kidney function for longer periods of time … Lorzaar®

Interactions | Lorzaar®

Interactions Other medications taken may be influenced in their effect by Lorzaar® or may influence the effect of Lorzaar®. These include the following drugs: No interactions with food or beverages are known to date. Lorzaar® can be taken independently of food intake. Lorzaar® is best swallowed whole with a glass of water. Medicines for high … Interactions | Lorzaar®


Synonyms Bisohexal, Rivacor, Bilol, Bisacardiol, Beta-blockerBisoprolol belongs to the group of beta-receptor blockers. Beta-receptors, also called beta-adrenoreceptors, are found in various parts of the body and are activated by the hormone adrenaline, which is released by the body during exertion, excitement and tension. Especially many of the beta receptors are located at the heart, which … Bisoprolol

When should Bisohexal® not be used? | Bisoprolol

When should Bisohexal® not be used? Absolute contraindications Relative contraindication The anaesthetist should be informed about the intake of bisoprolol before general anaesthesia, as there may be interactions between bisoprolol and the anaesthetics. Special patient groups Since bisoprolol is tolerated differently, it cannot be ruled out that the ability to react when operating machines or … When should Bisohexal® not be used? | Bisoprolol

What are the alternatives to calcium antagonists? | Calcium antagonists

What are the alternatives to calcium antagonists? The answer to the question what the alternatives to calcium antagonists are depends mainly on the purpose for which the drug is to be taken. In the treatment of high blood pressure, for example, there are several alternatives that can be chosen. In addition to the so-called ACE … What are the alternatives to calcium antagonists? | Calcium antagonists

Calcium antagonists in Parkinson’s disease | Calcium antagonists

Calcium antagonists in Parkinson’s disease Calcium antagonists should not be used in people with Parkinson’s disease. Research has shown that certain members of this group of drugs can worsen the symptoms typical of the disease. However, there are also studies that suggest that a particular calcium channel blocker may have a positive effect on the … Calcium antagonists in Parkinson’s disease | Calcium antagonists

Calcium antagonists

Synonyms in a broader sense Calcium channel blocker English: antagonist of calcium Definition Calcium antagonists have an opposite effect to calcium: they prevent calcium from reaching the cells of the heart muscle, the cells of the electrical conduction system (the heart’s electrical conduction system) at the heart and the muscle cells of the blood vessels. … Calcium antagonists


Active substance Candesartan Effect of Blopress Blopress® contains the active ingredient candesartan and is a drug that is mainly used in the treatment of high blood pressure (antihypertensive). Candesartan belongs to the group of angiotensin II receptor antagonists, i.e. it blocks a receptor and thus inhibits the effects of the hormone angiotensin. Blopress® thus leads, … Blopress®