Hormones in the menopause

Menopause, also known as climacteric or perimenopause, is the years before the last spontaneous menstrual period (menopause) until one year after the last spontaneous menstrual period. This means that the menopause describes the transition from the fertile phase to the non-fertile phase in a woman’s life. This is a phase in life that is characterized … Hormones in the menopause

Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) | Hormones in the menopause

Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) The control hormones LH and FSH, also known as gonadotropins, are secreted by the pituitary gland. These stimulate the ovaries and thus normally stimulate production of the female sex hormones.There is a so-called negative feedback between the gonadotropin FSH and the level of female sex hormones. This means that when the … Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) | Hormones in the menopause

Side effects of hormone therapy | Hormone replacement therapy in the menopause

Side effects of hormone therapy Hormone therapy is a medicinal intervention in many natural processes. Since the risk of some diseases and side effects increases, this therapy should only be used in the case of severe symptoms and only for as long as absolutely necessary. The permanent stimulation of the uterus with estrogens can lead … Side effects of hormone therapy | Hormone replacement therapy in the menopause

Contraindication – When should hormone replacement therapy not be used? | Hormone replacement therapy in the menopause

Contraindication – When should hormone replacement therapy not be used? Some diseases directly rule out treatment with estrogens. These include breast cancer and uterine cancer, where the hormones can lead to increased tumor growth. Coagulation disorders and thromboses are also an exclusion criterion, as the hormones increase the risk of thrombosis. If there is bleeding … Contraindication – When should hormone replacement therapy not be used? | Hormone replacement therapy in the menopause

When does hormone replacement therapy take effect? | Hormone replacement therapy in the menopause

When does hormone replacement therapy take effect? The effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy depends on the type of application. Tablets must first be absorbed through the digestive tract. Then they have to be absorbed through the liver, where a lot of the active substance is already absorbed. Active ingredients that are administered through the skin … When does hormone replacement therapy take effect? | Hormone replacement therapy in the menopause

Pregnancy hormones

Definition The term “pregnancy hormone” primarily refers to human chorionic gonadotropin, HCG or beta-HCG for short. This peptide hormone is produced by part of the placenta and is an important pregnancy-maintaining hormone. In addition, beta-HCG is the hormone measured in standard pregnancy tests. Other important pregnancy hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Pregnancy hormones are those … Pregnancy hormones

What are the pregnancy hormones like after a miscarriage? | Pregnancy hormones

What are the pregnancy hormones like after a miscarriage? After a miscarriage the beta-HCG level drops again within a few weeks, so that it can no longer be detected. A hormonal adjustment of the remaining hormones to the non-pregnant state takes place. This can take several weeks. Normalization of the period may therefore also take … What are the pregnancy hormones like after a miscarriage? | Pregnancy hormones