Diseases of the rectum | Rectum – anatomy, function and diseases

Diseases of the rectum It can happen that the rectum falls down when the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles are weak. This means that the muscle level here is no longer strong enough to hold the organs. As a result, the rectum collapses in on itself and can bulge out through the anus. This incident … Diseases of the rectum | Rectum – anatomy, function and diseases

Small intestine

Synonyms in a broader sense Interstitium tenue, jejunum, ileum, duodenum Definition The small intestine is the section of the digestive tract that follows the stomach. It is divided into three sections. It begins with the duodenum, followed by the jejunum and ileum. The main function of the small intestine is to split the food pulp … Small intestine

Mucosa of the small intestine | Small intestine

Mucosa of the small intestine The small intestine needs a large absorption surface for the absorption of food components. The mucosal surface is greatly enlarged by means of strong folding and numerous protuberances. This is ensured by various structures: Kerkig folds (Plicae circulares)These are annular folds that form the coarse relief of the small intestine … Mucosa of the small intestine | Small intestine

MotionPeristalsis | Small intestine

MotionPeristalsis After absorption into the small intestinal mucosa, the nutrients are transferred into the bloodstream. Through the vascular network (capillaries) in the villi of the small intestine, the sugars, the amino acids (from peptides) and the short to medium-chain fatty acids are absorbed into the blood vessels and are passed on to the liver via … MotionPeristalsis | Small intestine

Important diseases | Small intestine

Important diseases Ulcerative colitis is also a disease from the group of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (CED). Ulcerative colitis is particularly characterized by affection of the large intestine, but can also sometimes affect the small intestine. This is known as “grown-in” inflammation of the small intestine (“backwash ileitis”). This disease is also autoimmunologically triggered and … Important diseases | Small intestine

Function and tasks | Colon function and diseases

Function and tasks In the large intestine, the intestinal contents are primarily thickened and mixed. In addition, the large intestine is responsible for the urge to defecate and the evacuation of stool. 1. motility By motility the physician understands the entirety of the movements of the large intestine. They serve to thoroughly mix the food, … Function and tasks | Colon function and diseases

Pain in the large intestine | Colon function and diseases

Pain in the large intestine Pain in the colon can have various causes. Among the most common ones: Appendicitis In the vernacular, the inflammation of the appendix (Latin: Appendix vermiformis) is also known as appendicitis. Strictly speaking, however, this term is incorrect, since it is not the appendix (lat. : caecum) that is inflamed, but … Pain in the large intestine | Colon function and diseases