Symptoms | Left side chest pain

Symptoms Depending on the cause, chest pain has a different pain character and there may be additional accompanying symptoms. and pain under the chest Contusion of the ribs, rib fracture: They cause superficial pain, which is intensified when touching and pressing the affected area. Deep breathing is often not possible due to the severe pain. … Symptoms | Left side chest pain

Are there differences between breast pain in men and women? | Left side chest pain

Are there differences between breast pain in men and women? Chest pain is probably most likely to differ between the sexes in terms of its origin or the underlying cause that is responsible for the pain. The decisive difference in this respect is probably that women, unlike men, have breast tissue that can be the … Are there differences between breast pain in men and women? | Left side chest pain

Chest pains man

General Chest pain is feared by patients of all ages – if you associate it with problems with the heart, in the worst case a heart attack. However, chest pain or pulling in the chest does not always have to be associated with a heart attack; various other, relatively harmless causes can also play a … Chest pains man

Symptoms | Chest pains man

Symptoms The symptoms of the incubation pain can be of different types. Some patients feel them when breathing in, others generally at rest, and some only under stress. The symptoms give an indication of the type of illness. Seizure-like chest pain, which disappears after a few minutes, can be a sign of angina pectoris. Bruising … Symptoms | Chest pains man

Diagnosis | Chest pains man

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a heart attack is usually made by means of an electrocardiogram, or ECG for short. This is used to measure the electrical excitation conduction and propagation in the heart. Emergency physicians very quickly recognize typical patterns on the ECG and then initiate appropriate therapy. The diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia is usually … Diagnosis | Chest pains man

Pain on the chest

Definition Chest pain (called thoracic pain by the medical profession) occurs in a wide variety of forms and intensities and can therefore have a wide variety of causes. For example, the pain can be pressing, throbbing or stabbing, motion-dependent or motion-independent and accompanied by various other symptoms such as heartburn, vomiting, increased sweating or upper … Pain on the chest