Educational goals

Definition – What are educational goals?

In education, influence is exerted on the development and behavior of the growing person. The child is taught rules, norms and a certain behaviour which enables him to become a part of society. Certain goals are set beforehand, which the educator can always orientate himself to in order to direct the child in a specific direction. The goal represents a desirable state in the future, which is not present in the present situation. Since the education takes place from different sides, such as the family, kindergarten and school, there are also different educational goals.

What are the educational goals in the upbringing by the parents?

Parental education is crucial for the development of the children’s personality. The children orient themselves to their parents, not only in terms of polite behavior and rules to be followed in everyday life, but also in terms of morals, customs, norms and in the training of virtues. Parents thus have a direct influence on the child, for example when they tell him how to behave.

In addition, children are indirectly influenced, imitating the behavior of their parents and unconsciously adopting their parents’ opinions. Accordingly, it is important that parents are always aware of their role as role models. A very important educational goal of parents should be the desire to educate their child in such a way that it can develop a strong personality, unfold freely and live its own wishes and dreams.

Parents can already recognize the child’s first interests and abilities at a very early age and encourage them so that a person develops who can go through the world with confidence and has the courage to express his or her opinions freely. This educational goal is closely linked to the goal of assertiveness, in the sense of inner strength and self-confidence. Furthermore, an important educational goal is that the adolescents learn politeness and good manners.

The children should be taught a considerate behavior that expresses respect for the other person. Accordingly, respect in the form of tolerance is also a desirable goal. As well as compassion, from which a willingness to help grows.

In addition, the goal of punctuality and conscientiousness, with regard to work, but also in private life, is also repeatedly stated in parent surveys. This goal goes hand in hand with the educational goal of a sense of responsibility and the ability to achieve something independently or to work for it. Furthermore, it is important to many parents that they can give their child a lot of education and awaken in them a thirst for knowledge that will never let them learn anything in their lives.

Furthermore, it is a common educational goal that the adolescents learn a healthy lifestyle and shape their lives accordingly. In addition, there are many other educational goals, such as thrift, courage, humor, honesty, ambition, perseverance, knowledge of human nature, etc. Each parent attaches a different degree of importance to these goals, so that each child enjoys a very individual education.

A very important educational goal of parents should be the desire to educate their child in such a way that it can develop a strong personality, unfold freely and live its own wishes and dreams. Parents can recognize the child’s first interests and abilities at a very early age and encourage them so that a person develops who can go through the world with confidence and has the courage to express his or her opinion freely. This educational goal is closely linked to the goal of assertiveness, in the sense of inner strength and self-confidence.

Furthermore, an important educational goal is that the adolescents learn politeness and good manners. The children should be taught a considerate behavior that expresses respect for the other person. Accordingly, respect in the form of tolerance is also a desirable goal.

As well as compassion, from which a willingness to help grows. In addition, the goal of punctuality and conscientiousness, with regard to work, but also in private life, is also repeatedly stated in parent surveys. This goal goes hand in hand with the educational goal of a sense of responsibility and the ability to achieve something independently or to work for it.It is also important to many parents that they can give their child a lot of education and awaken in them a thirst for knowledge that will never let them learn anything in their lives.

Furthermore, it is a common educational goal that the adolescents learn a healthy lifestyle and shape their lives accordingly. In addition, there are many other educational goals, such as thrift, courage, humor, honesty, ambition, perseverance, knowledge of human nature, etc. Each parent attaches a different degree of importance to these goals, so that each child enjoys a very individual education.