Angina pectoris causes

What causes angina pectoris? Angina pectoris is the most intense pain behind the breastbone (retrosternal pain). This pain can radiate into various parts of the body. The cause of angina pectoris is a hardening of the arteries or so-called arteriosclerosis. The causes of arteriosclerosis include increased blood lipids, high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus. Risk … Angina pectoris causes

Stable angina pectoris | Angina pectoris causes

Stable angina pectoris Stable angina pectoris is characterized by the fact that it occurs repeatedly and behaves similarly each time it occurs. As a rule, this form of angina pectoris occurs particularly under physical stress. The severity of angina pectoris depends on the intensity of physical exertion at which the symptoms occur. The first occurrence … Stable angina pectoris | Angina pectoris causes

Which sport can help? | Therapy of angina pectoris

Which sport can help? The right sport in the right dose leads to an improved blood circulation of the heart. However, sport is contraindicated in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Patients who are already known to have coronary heart disease should first consult their attending cardiologist. The cardiologist can decide whether and to what extent … Which sport can help? | Therapy of angina pectoris

Forms of angina pectoris and their treatment: | Therapy of angina pectoris

Forms of angina pectoris and their treatment: Angina pectoris (chest tightness) is a symptom that usually occurs as part of a circulatory disorder of the heart vessels, known as coronary heart disease (CHD). A stable angina pectoris is present if it has occurred repeatedly and always to about the same extent. Although this is a … Forms of angina pectoris and their treatment: | Therapy of angina pectoris

Guidelines | Therapy of angina pectoris

Guidelines The guidelines of the German Society of Cardiology contain recommendations for the treatment of angina pectoris. They are not binding for the attending physician, but are orienting and guiding. In summary, the guidelines suggest the following treatment concepts. First, the patient should pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. Cholesterol levels and blood fats should … Guidelines | Therapy of angina pectoris

Symptoms of angina pectoris | Symptoms of angina pectoris

Symptoms of angina pectoris Pain behind the sternum is the typical symptom of angina pectoris. Many people suffer from pain throughout the entire chest area, but the pain is often felt most strongly directly behind the sternum. The pain is usually described as dull, stabbing or drilling. This is usually accompanied by a strong feeling … Symptoms of angina pectoris | Symptoms of angina pectoris

Classification | Symptoms of angina pectoris

Classification A distinction is made between different types of angina pectoris. There is stable angina pectoris and unstable angina pectoris. Stable angina pectoris is defined as a condition in which the symptoms are similar each time they occur and last approximately the same length of time. An example of stable angina pectoris is Prinzmetal angina, … Classification | Symptoms of angina pectoris

Emergency situations with angina pectoris symptoms | Symptoms of angina pectoris

Emergency situations with angina pectoris symptoms If a new angina pectoris symptomatology occurs, this is an emergency! In this case an emergency doctor must be called immediately, as this is a life-threatening situation. Until the arrival of the ambulance, an attempt should be made to calm the person affected. At first, the symptoms of angina … Emergency situations with angina pectoris symptoms | Symptoms of angina pectoris